Monday, July 31, 2017

Alcohol's Role as a Stroke Risk Factor

This is the negative side of alcohol. What is the positive side? Have your doctor lists pros and cons instead of reflexively stating no alcohol post-stroke.
But I'm not medically trained so I shouldn't be listened to.

Alcohol for these 12 reasons.


A little daily alcohol may cut stroke risk


An occasional drink doesn't hurt coronary arteries


Six healthy reasons to drink more beer   Red wine benefits are in this one also.


10 Health Benefits of Whiskey

The negative side here:

 Alcohol's Role as a Stroke Risk Factor

Excessive alcohol consumption is widely known to adversely impact many aspects of your health. It has been linked to cancer, liver disease, and even dementia. But Tennova Healthcare wants you to know that consistently drinking too much alcohol, particularly if you are middle-aged, can also escalate your likelihood of a stroke.
“A recent study indicates that people who average more than two alcoholic drinks per day during their 50s and 60s have a one-third higher risk for stroke, compared to those who consume less alcohol,” said Glen A. Pollock, M.D., a neurological surgeon with Tennova Healthcare. “Up to age 75, the increased risk caused by heavier drinking rivals the stroke risks posed by high blood pressure and diabetes.”
The study also showed that those who drink alcohol in excess are more likely to experience a stroke as many as five years sooner than those who drink less. The study did not identify a difference in the type of alcohol consumed, but the data indicates that men should not exceed two drinks per day and women should not go beyond one daily drink.
A stroke is the sudden death of brain cells, due to a lack of oxygen caused by a rupture of an artery or a blockage of blood flow to the brain. It is unclear precisely how alcohol consumption affects stroke risk. Some experts theorize that alcohol’s propensity to thin the blood is what increases the likelihood. Others point to the influence alcohol has on blood pressure and atrial fibrillation (an irregular heartbeat), which are two other health-related stroke risk factors.
“Regardless of the linkage, people who regularly over-indulge in alcohol consumption should consider cutting back,” Dr. Pollock said. “They should also become familiar with their other risk factors.”
According to Dr. Pollock, there are two principle types of stroke risk factors: controllable and non-controllable. “Non-controllable risk factors include gender, race and family history,” he said. “These are aspects over which you have no influence. However, controllable factors you can affect. They include diet and nutrition, physical activity, tobacco use, and alcohol consumption. Modifying these lifestyle behaviors can have a direct benefit, in this case by reducing the likelihood of a stroke.”
To help determine your risk of suffering a stroke, Tennova Healthcare offers a free assessment tool at In as few as five minutes, the online tool identifies personal risk factors for stroke, offers tips to take control of manageable risk factors, and provides an instant report to share with your physician. Visit to take the free stroke risk assessment.

The risk assessment is a piece of crap, nothing on use of alcohol. I'm at a high risk for another stroke in the next ten years because of my previous stroke. Shit, I'm already 11 years out from previous stroke so this missed the mark. 

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