Friday, September 22, 2017

Zapping the brain for stroke rehab: Pivotal clinical trial begins

And just when will vagus nerve stimulation be written up into a stroke protocol? Then we don't need to repeat this research because we know it works. 23 posts on vagus nerve back to July 2012. Fucking lack of stroke leadership. That is you; ASA, NSA, WSO. My criteria to be considered a fucking failure of a stroke association here.
A small Texas company is testing whether pairing vagus nerve stimulation with rehabilitation exercise can restore movement in people who have had a stroke. 
Despite being forced by Hurricane Irma to close its outpatient facilities for several days, the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Fla., is expected to forge ahead this month with a pivotal clinical trial testing whether an electrical implant can rewire the brains of stroke patients so they can use their arms and hands again.
If the patients who receive implants regain significantly more function than those who get only standard rehabilitation, it will show that stroke-damaged brain circuits can be bypassed like shorts in a circuit board, with healthy neurons coaxed into performing the job of those fried by stroke.
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