If your doctor and therapists aren't doing this they have no objective idea of the movements you are doing. With NO objective diagnosis of your disability they will never be able to map protocols to recovery.
Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation
, Volume 24(1)
, Pgs. 18-23.
NARIC Accession Number: J78135. What's this?
ISSN: 1074-9357.
Author(s): Serra, ; Balraj, Elizabeth; DiSanzo, Beth L.; Ivey, Frederick M.; Hafer-Macko, Charlene E.; Treuth, Margarita S.; Ryan, Alice S..
Publication Year: 2017.
Number of Pages: 6.
Abstract: Study determined count thresholds for the
Actical brand accelerometer specific to stroke disability in order to
more accurately estimate time spent at differing activity levels.
Eighteen men and 10 women with chronic hemiparetic gait participated in
the study. Actical accelerometers were placed on the participants’
non-paretic hip to obtain accelerometry counts during eight activities
of varying intensity: (1) watching TV; (2) seated stretching; (3)
standing stretching; (4) floor sweeping; (5) stepping in place; (6)
over-ground walking; (7) lower-intensity treadmill walking (1.0 mph at
4-percent incline); and (8) higher-intensity treadmill walking (2.0 mph
at 4-percent incline). Simultaneous portable monitoring enabled
quantification of energy cost for each activity in metabolic equivalents
(oxygen consumption in multiples of resting level). Measurements were
obtained for 10 minutes of standard rest and 5 minutes during each of
the eight activities. Regression analysis yielded the following new
stroke-specific Actical minimum thresholds: 125 counts per minute (cpm)
for sedentary/light activity, 667 cpm for light/moderate activity, and
1,546 cpm for moderate/vigorous activity. The authors conclude that the
standard, commonly applied Actical thresholds are inappropriate for this
unique population. The revised cut points better reflect activity
levels after stroke and suggest significantly lower thresholds relative
to those observed for the general population of healthy individuals.
Can this document be ordered through NARIC's document delivery service*?: Y.
Citation: Serra, Validating accelerometry as a measure of physical activity and energy expenditure in chronic stroke.
Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation
, 24(1), Pgs. 18-23. Retrieved 4/19/2018, from REHABDATA database.
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Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation.
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