Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Local Research Delves Into Possible Benefits of Aerobics on Stroke Recovery

You mean you, your mentors, senior researchers and World Stroke Congress didn't know about these 21 posts back to Feb. 2016? You are all that fucking incompetent? I would fire the lot of you. I'm stroke-addled but I do know when you work in a field you are supposed to keep up to date. My god as a programmer for 38 years I probably picked up at least a dozen languages and application skills.


Local Research Delves Into Possible Benefits of Aerobics on Stroke Recovery

A local research team is making waves in the medical community with its findings on the effects of aerobic exercise on the brains of stroke patients.
Dr. Michelle Ploughman of Memorial University delivered her findings before the World Stroke Congress which wrapped up in Montreal on the weekend.
She told Paddy Daly on the VOCM Morning Show that MUN runs a recovery and performance laboratory, the only one of its kind focused on recovery in stroke patients.
Dr. Ploughman says they conducted a 2.5-year trial based on “priming the brain,” and the results were promising.
She says they primed the brain with aerobic exercise first, to make it more amenable to change. Among the four groups they studied, they saw an improvement in cognitive function by 47 per cent in patients who were previously considered to have plateaued.
Listen to Dr. Ploughman speak with Paddy Daly on the VOCM Morning Show below:

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