Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Decision Analysis Model for Prehospital Triage of Patients With Acute Stroke

Based on this, research is needed to get every stroke survivor 100% recovered.  The endpoint of every triage scenario is 100% recovery. I don't care how fucking hard that is going to be. Leaders step up to these challenges. Are you a leader or a CHICKENSHIT?

Decision Analysis Model for Prehospital Triage of Patients With Acute Stroke

Originally published 2019;0

Background and Purpose—

We used a decision analysis approach to analyze triage strategies for patients with acute stroke symptoms while accounting for prehospital large vessel occlusion (LVO) screening methods and key time metrics.


Our decision analysis compared anticipated functional outcomes for patients within the IV-tPA (intravenous tissue-type plasminogen activator) treatment window in the mothership and drip-and-ship frameworks. Key branches of the model included IV-tPA eligibility, presence of an LVO, and endovascular therapy eligibility. Our decision analysis evaluated 2 prehospital LVO screening approaches: (1) no formal screening and (2) the use of clinical LVO screening scales. An excellent outcome was defined as modified Rankin Scale scores 0–1. Probabilities and workflow times were guideline-based or imputed from published studies. In sensitivity analyses, we individually and jointly varied transport time to the nearest primary stroke center, additional time required to transport directly to a comprehensive stroke center, and LVO screening scale predictive probabilities. We evaluated 2 separate scenarios: one in which ideal time metrics were achieved and one under current real-world metrics.


In the ideal metrics scenario, the drip-and-ship strategy was almost always favored in the absence of formal LVO screening. For patients screened positive for an LVO, mothership was favored if the additional transport time to the comprehensive stroke center was <3 to 23 minutes. Under real-world conditions, in which primary stroke center workflow is slower than ideal, the mothership strategy was favored in more scenarios, regardless of formal LVO screening. For example, mothership was favored with an additional transport time to the comprehensive stroke center of <32 to 99 minutes for patients screened positive for an LVO and <28 to 39 minutes in the absence of screening.


Joint consideration of LVO probability, screening, workflow times, and transport times may improve prehospital stroke triage. Drip-and-ship was more favorable when more ideal primary stroke center workflow times were modeled.


Presented in part at the International Stroke Conference, Los Angeles, CA, January 24–26, 2018.
The online-only Data Supplement is available with this article at
Correspondence to Mitchell S. V. Elkind, MD, MS, Division of Neurology Clinical Outcomes Research and Population Sciences (NeuroCORPS), Department of Neurology, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 710 W 168th St, New York, NY 10032. Email

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