Saturday, December 28, 2019

Hydrogen Sulfide as a Factor of Neuroprotection during the Constitutive and Reparative Neurogenesis in Fish Brain

I'm sure your incompetent doctor and stroke hospital did absolutely nothing with this earlier research on hydrogen sulfide, commonly found in rotten eggs and human flatulence,

 8 posts on hydrogen sulfide back to Sept. 2012 helping with stroke prevention, reduction in stroke damage, protects stem cells and helps neurogenesis.

One line from these 8 posts which just proves how fucking incompetent your doctor is;

When the new compound was injected an hour after the simulation of a stroke, the authors observed about a 70 percent reduction in the severity of the observed stroke damage. March 2016. 

 The latest here and yes this is in fish, but can your doctor read and put two and two together?

Hydrogen Sulfide as a Factor of Neuroprotection during the Constitutive and Reparative Neurogenesis in Fish Brain

By Evgeniya V. Pushchina, Anatoly A. Varaksin and Dmitry K. Obukhov
Submitted: June 13th 2019Reviewed: November 19th 2019Published: December 24th 2019
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.90547
Downloaded: 6


The H2S-producing systems were studied in trout telencephalon, tectum, and cerebellum at 1 week after eye injury. The results of ELISA analysis have shown a 1.7-fold increase in the CBS expression at 1 week post-injury, as compared to the intact trout. In the ventricular and subventricular regions of trout telencephalon, CBS+ cells, as well as neuroepithelial and glial types, were detected. As a result of injury, the number of CBS+ neuroepithelial cells in the pallial and subpallial periventricular regions of the telencephalon increases. In the tectum, a traumatic damage leads to an increase in the CBS expression in radial glia with a simultaneous decrease in the number of CBS immunopositive neuroepithelial cells detected in intact animals. In the cerebellum, we revealed neuroglial interrelations, in which H2S is probably released from the astrocyte-like cells with subsequent activation of the neuronal NMDA receptors. The organization of the H2S-producing cell complexes suggests that the amount of glutamate produced in the trout cerebellum and its reuptake is controlled with the involvement of astrocyte-like cells, reducing its excitotoxicity. We believe that the increase in the number of H2S-producing cells constitutes a response to oxidative stress, and the overproduction of H2S neutralizes the reactive oxygen species.

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