Thursday, December 26, 2019

Principles of Neurorehabilitation After Stroke Based on Motor Learning and Brain Plasticity Mechanisms

So we really know absolutely nothing about stroke rehab.  I foresee nothing in the future that will get us to 100% recovery until stroke survivors take over, create a stroke strategy and exactly direct stroke research to accomplish that strategy. We can't allow stroke researchers to shoot in the dark anymore, it doesn't help survivors recover.

Principles of Neurorehabilitation After Stroke Based on Motor Learning and Brain Plasticity Mechanisms

  • 1Laboratory of Synthetic, Perceptive, Emotive and Cognitive Systems, Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, Barcelona, Spain
  • 2Institucio Catalana de Recerca I Estudis Avançats, Barcelona, Spain
What are the principles underlying effective neurorehabilitation? The aim of neurorehabilitation is to exploit interventions based on human and animal studies about learning and adaptation, as well as to show that the activation of experience-dependent neuronal plasticity augments functional recovery after stroke. Instead of teaching compensatory strategies that do not reduce impairment but allow the patient to return home as soon as possible, functional recovery might be more sustainable as it ensures a long-term reduction in impairment and an improvement in quality of life. At the same time, neurorehabilitation permits the scientific community to collect valuable data, which allows inferring about the principles of brain organization. Hence neuroscience sheds light on the mechanisms of learning new functions or relearning lost ones. However, current rehabilitation methods lack the exact operationalization of evidence gained from skill learning literature, leading to an urgent need to bridge motor learning theory and present clinical work in order to identify a set of ingredients and practical applications that could guide future interventions. This work aims to unify the neuroscientific literature relevant to the recovery process and rehabilitation practice in order to provide a synthesis of the principles that constitute an effective neurorehabilitation approach. Previous attempts to achieve this goal either focused on a subset of principles or did not link clinical application to the principles of motor learning and recovery. We identified 15 principles of motor learning based on existing literature: massed practice, spaced practice, dosage, task-specific practice, goal-oriented practice, variable practice, increasing difficulty, multisensory stimulation, rhythmic cueing, explicit feedback/knowledge of results, implicit feedback/knowledge of performance, modulate effector selection, action observation/embodied practice, motor imagery, and social interaction. We comment on trials that successfully implemented these principles and report evidence from experiments with healthy individuals as well as clinical work.


So far there is no clear understanding of the principles underlying effective neurorehabilitation approaches. Therapeutic protocols can be readily described by the following aspects: the body part trained (e.g., the legs), the tools or machines used for the training (e.g., a treadmill), the activity performed (e.g., walking), and when the therapy commences (e.g., during the acute phase after a stroke). However, an intervention typically includes more elements. For instance, the use of the less affected limb can be restricted, and the therapist can encourage the patient to spend more time exercising or give feedback about task performance. While some interventions, like CIMT, clearly define their active ingredients (Carter et al., 2010; Proffitt and Lange, 2015) that should lead to effective recovery (Kwakkel et al., 2015), most others do not. Neurorehabilitation research aims to find interventions that promote recovery and to establish whether the presence or absence of improvement can be explained by any neuronal changes that occur in the post-stroke brain (Dobkin, 2005). Neuroscience can help us to create interventions that lead to changes in the brain; however, with no clear understanding of what an intervention does, attributing causality remains difficult. One way to formalize an intervention is by breaking it into parts, studying the behavioral and neural effects of these parts, and deriving principles from them–in the case of stroke neurorehabilitation, these would be principles that optimize acquisition, retention, and generalization of skills.
While there are plenty of meta-analyses that look at training effectiveness in terms of individual body parts/functions, tools, or machines and activities (Langhorne et al., 2009; Veerbeek et al., 2014), the effect of experience remains much less clear in spite of attempts to formalize and identify the principles of neurorehabilitation. A review of principles of experience-dependent neural plasticity by Kleim and Jones (2008) explains why training is crucial for recovery. According to their work, neurorehabilitation presumes that exposure to specific training experiences leads to improvement of impairment by activating neural plasticity mechanisms. Consequently most of the work in the field focuses on the identification of scientifically grounded principles that should guide the design of these training experiences. In this vein, Kleim and Jones (2008) elaborated on five main principles of effective training experience — specificity, repetition, intensity, time, and salience — but offered little concrete applicability. Another synthesis addressed further principles (forced use, massed practice, spaced practice, task-oriented functional training, randomized training); however, the main focus of the review was on individual body functions, methods, or tools, providing a global view on rehabilitation strategies (Dobkin, 2004). Two meta-analyses investigated specific principles. One looked only at the principle of intensity and found that more therapy time did enhance functional recovery (Kwakkel, 2009). Another determined that repetition does improve upper and lower limb function (Thomas et al., 2017). However, both studies did not investigate the mechanisms that would lead to the effects observed. Similarly, a review that analyzed CIMT, which combines several principles in one method, gained interesting insights in its efficacy but did not explain the results from a neuroscientific, mechanistic point of view (Kwakkel et al., 2015). The work by Levin et al. (2015), on the other hand, tried to link the principles of motor learning to the application of these principles in novel rehabilitation methods while offering some neuroscientific reasoning for doing so. Their review addresses the difficulty of the task, the organization of movement, movements to the contralateral workspace, visual cues and objects and the interaction with them, sensory feedback, feedback about performance and results, repetitions, variability, and motivation. However, the included motor control and motor learning principles were not well defined and therefore leave room for interpretation (Levin et al., 2015).
In a previous meta-analysis (Maier et al., 2019), we compiled a list of principles for neurorehabilitation based on literature on motor learning and recovery: massed practice, dosage, structured practice, task-specific practice, variable practice, multisensory stimulation, increasing difficulty, explicit feedback/knowledge of results, implicit feedback/knowledge of performance, movement representation, and promotion of the use of the affected limb. We then performed a content analysis to determine whether these principles were present in the clinical studies included in the review, but we did not provide an analysis of the principles identified. In this work, we aim to extend the number of principles found and, for each of them, unify the neuroscientific literature from human or animal studies on motor learning and comment on the observed neuronal effects. We also include evidence from clinical studies to show its effect in recovering functionality after stroke. Some principles already serve as building blocks of effective rehabilitation programs, e.g., CIMT (Kwakkel et al., 2015), Bobath (Kollen et al., 2009), enriched rehabilitation (Livingston-Thomas et al., 2016), VR-based rehabilitation (Laver et al., 2017), and exogenous or robotic interventions (Langhorne et al., 2011). However, transferring these principles into clinical practice faces the challenge of operationalizing them. We comment on these difficulties and the gaps between theory, evidence, and operationalization that we encountered. Consequently, this work can serve clinicians and researchers as a practical guide of principles to investigate further effective neurorehabilitation approaches.

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