Saturday, February 1, 2020

Drinking alcohol every day can speed up brain aging by one week per session, according to a study of more than 17,000 people

Doesn't apply to me, I don't drink every day.  You doctor will use this latest study and the one directly below to insist you not have any alcohol.  

Safest level of alcohol consumption is none, worldwide study shows


My alcohol intake vastly increases my social connections and thus reduces my chances of dementia and is completely worth whatever risk it causes. 

Other benefits here: Don't do them, I'm not medically trained.Is your doctor?

Alcohol, coffee could be key to living longer, study finds

Move over resveratrol: Ellagic acid in red wine exhibits potent effects against lung cancer cells 

Regular daily alcohol intake is best for heart health, study finds August 2018 

Alcohol for these 12 reasons.


Does drinking alcohol in older age prolong life?

The latest here:

Drinking alcohol every day can speed up brain aging by one week per session, according to a study of more than 17,000 people

Monty Raksen/Getty
  • Researchers at the University of Southern California looked at more than 17,000 brain scans to see if daily smoking and drinking advanced brain age. 
  • The study found that every gram of alcohol consumed a day aged the brain by 11 days. Smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for a year aged the brain by 11 days.
  • It is one of the largest studies ever done on brain aging and alcohol, making the findings quite robust.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.
Over time, drinking a little bit more alcohol than recommended could accelerate the brain's aging process, according to a new study.
Though previous studies have found the same, most were tentative findings based on small groups of people or large groups of mice.
The new study, from researchers at the University of Southern California, offers a more robust estimate, reached by examining 17,308 human brain scans from the UK Biobank — one of the biggest sample sizes ever seen.

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