Saturday, March 28, 2020

Association of magnesium intake with type 2 diabetes and total stroke: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis

Is your doctor testing your magnesium levels and prescribing AN EXACT PROTOCOL to get these risk reductions? If not, call the hospital president and ask when competence will be required in the hospital.   Yes, this is for those with diabetes but we have to guess at related help since our fucking failures of stroke associations never do any followup research that might help survivors.  You presidents of stroke associations can contact me and prove me wrong.

Association of magnesium intake with type 2 diabetes and total stroke: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis

BMJ OpenZhao B, Zeng L, Zhao J, et al. | March 23, 2020

To update the detailed links between T2D and total stroke and magnesium consumption as well as the dose–response trend, researchers undertook systematic review and meta-analyses including prospective cohort investigations assessing these two diseases. The included 41 eligible studies with 53 cohorts were identified from PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library, Web of Science and, via a search from inception to 15 March 2019. On comparing the highest magnesium intake to the lowest, a significant reduction in the magnitude of the risk by 22%, 11%, and 12% was observed for T2D, for total stroke, and for ischaemic stroke, respectively. In subgroup analyses, a significant reduction in the risk for total and ischaemic stroke was noted among females, participants with ≥25 mg/m2 body mass index and those with ≥12-year follow-up. Overall, findings revealed significantly inverse links of magnesium consumption with T2D and total stroke in a dose-dependent manner. According to the findings, feasible magnesium-rich dietary patterns may be highly advantageous for particular groups and could be highlighted in the primary T2D and total stroke prevention strategies disseminated to the public.

Read the full article on BMJ Open

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