Friday, May 1, 2020

(Another) Delphi study to define Bobath

Why hasn't Bobath been shitcanned since 2003? It has only been 17 years, THAT tells you how incompetent all of stroke is. And Dunning-Kruger strikes stroke also.

I'm not going to read it but just in case your therapist still uses it even after it was proven not to work since 2003. You'll have to ask your therapist why it is still in use. And ask your stroke hospital why the fuck they are still allowing therapy that doesn't work. People need to be fired, starting with the board of directors. Unless you prefer incompetent hospitals. My best therapist supposedly used it but I really think her competence came from her knowledge of anatomy.

Physiotherapy Based on the Bobath Concept for Adults with Post-Stroke Hemiplegia: A Review of Effectiveness Studies 2003

The latest here:

(Another) Delphi study to define Bobath

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