Saturday, May 2, 2020

Intensive control of hypertension and risk of Alzheimer dementia in older adults with depression

My reading of this is that with your good chance of depression from your fucking failure of your doctor to get you recovered, you definitely need depression protocols. Of which there are none publicly available, you're screwed.

Post stroke depression(33% chance)

The latest here:

Intensive control of hypertension and risk of Alzheimer dementia in older adults with depression

International Journal of Geriatric PsychiatryYeung A, et al. | April 23, 2020

Utilizing data from the National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center, researchers ascertained if intensive control of systolic blood pressure (BP) was correlated with reduced risk of Alzheimer dementia (AD) in a clinical population. In addition, they investigated those with comorbid depression, to determine whether intensive control of systolic BP (≤120 mmHg) was related to reduced risk of AD. They performed survival analyses in older adults with normal cognition at baseline and treated hypertension. Two hundred ninety-eight developed AD during a median follow‐up duration of 4.2 years in all older adults with treated hypertension (n = 4,505). One hundred fifty-two developed AD in the comorbid depression subgroup (n = 1,327). The authors discovered that an intensive systolic BP target of ≤ 120 mmHg was linked to increased risk of AD in a clinical population of older adults with hypertension and comorbid depression. Although these results are preliminary, they indicate that this vulnerable subgroup may require a
more conservative approach to hypertension care.
Read the full article on International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry

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