Friday, July 3, 2020

Statistical measures of motor, sensory and cognitive performance across repeated robot-based testing

Finally someone trying to get objective measurements. Personally I think your doctor and therapists should be using ones in here. 


If they aren't objectively measuring your movements they know nothing of how you are recovering.

The latest here:

Statistical measures of motor, sensory and cognitive performance across repeated robot-based testing



Traditional clinical assessments are used extensively in neurology; however, they can be coarse, which can also make them insensitive to change. Kinarm is a robotic assessment system that has been used for precise assessment of individuals with neurological impairments. However, this precision also leads to the challenge of identifying whether a given change in performance reflects a significant change in an individual’s ability or is simply natural variation. Our objective here is to derive confidence intervals and thresholds of significant change for Kinarm Standard Tests™ (KST).


We assessed participants twice within 15 days on all tasks presently available in KST. We determined the 5–95% confidence intervals for each task parameter, and derived thresholds for significant change. We tested for learning effects and corrected for the false discovery rate (FDR) to identify task parameters with significant learning effects. Finally, we calculated intraclass correlation of type ICC [1, 2] (ICC-C) to quantify consistency across assessments.


We recruited an average of 56 participants per task. Confidence intervals for Z-Task Scores ranged between 0.61 and 1.55, and the threshold for significant change ranged between 0.87 and 2.19. We determined that 4/11 tasks displayed learning effects that were significant after FDR correction; these 4 tasks primarily tested cognition or cognitive-motor integration. ICC-C values for Z-Task Scores ranged from 0.26 to 0.76.


The present results provide statistical bounds on individual performance for KST as well as significant changes across repeated testing. Most measures of performance had good inter-rater reliability. Tasks with a higher cognitive burden seemed to be more susceptible to learning effects, which should be taken into account when interpreting longitudinal assessments of these tasks.


Clinical assessment tools provide a foundation for the healthcare system, guiding patient care as well as demonstrating the benefits of novel therapeutic interventions to ameliorate the effects of disease or injury. Many advances have been made to improve clinical assessment tools, such as improved imaging techniques and novel blood-based biomarkers [1, 3]. However, assessment of brain function continues to rely largely on physical or visual inspection of the patient by a clinician. Such approaches often use coarse scales to ensure similar scores across clinicians, and also commonly have floor and ceiling effects [2, 4].
Interactive robotic systems have been used for many years for basic research to quantify upper limb sensorimotor function and provide an objective approach for quantifying neurological impairments [5,6,7,8]. These tools typically have higher sensitivity than traditional clinical instruments [9, 10]. One such tool is the Kinarm robotic platform (Kinarm, Kingston, ON, Canada) and its associated Kinarm Standard Test (KST)™ battery that quantifies upper limb sensory and motor functions, as well as cognition [11,12,13,14,15,16]. Each task generates a large number of parameters that describe spatial and temporal features of behaviour.
These robotic technologies provide considerable granularity in measuring performance, but this leads to the question of whether a change in performance reflects an actual change in an individual’s ability to perform a given task or is simply because of natural variability. For example, has performance improved significantly if an individual’s reaction time gets faster by 5% on a follow-up assessment? Additionally, does learning impact performance such that participants tend to be better when assessed a second time? The answers to these questions require knowledge of the natural variability in performance and how repeat testing impacts performance.
The objective of the present study is to quantify inter-test variability between assessments in KSTs. In the past we have collected large cohorts of healthy control participants that could be used to estimate performance variability directly, assuming that all individuals are equally capable at a given task. However, there are obvious differences in the ability of individuals to perform various sensory, motor and cognitive tasks [17,18,19,20]. Thus, our strategy is to compare performance across two repeated tests for a cohort of healthy control participants and estimate the confidence intervals of expected change based on the differences in performance between the two assessments. This approach will also allow us to determine if there are any learning effects between assessments. It will additionally provide benchmarks to use for future studies of significant change on objective robotic assessment variables. This has a wide range of potential applications, from providing a framework to quantify expected changes in novel robotic assessment tasks, to potentially assisting with quantifying the effects caused by therapeutic interventions for disease and comparing different clinical populations over time.

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