Monday, October 12, 2020

‘I Feel Like I Have Dementia’: Brain Fog Plagues Covid Survivors

 You don't want this to happen so get treatment immediately upon diagnosis.

You see a doctor immediately and get anti-coagulation going. You don't wait until it gets severe before you see a doctor. I'm going to demand heparin. Don't tough it out at home. The damage in the brain seems to occur from a different source than microclots. 


From this comes this statement:

A new study offers the first clear evidence that, in some people, the coronavirus invades brain cells, hijacking them to make copies of itself. The virus also seems to suck up all of the oxygen nearby, starving neighboring cells to death.

Why I'm getting heparin.  Heparin binds to cells at a site adjacent to ACE2, the portal for SARS-CoV-2 infection, and "potently" blocks the virus, which could open up therapy options.

Anticoagulation Again Shown to Improve Survival in COVID-19 Patients;-Mortality risk about 50% lower

Stroke occurs frequently in COVID-19, leads to ‘devastating consequences’ for patients

I'm not medically trained so I know nothing, don't listen to me.

The latest here:

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