Thursday, September 16, 2021

Brain Function and Upper Limb Outcome in Stroke A Cross-Sectional fMRI Study

So we still don't know anything about brain repair. Which should immediately fast track research into saving billions of neurons by stopping the 5 causes of the neuronal cascade of death in the first week. But nothing will occur, there is no stroke leader to talk to or strategy to update and execute. Since they could find nothing in these high functioning survivors that can actually extend their fingers that doesn't bode well for me.

Brain Function and Upper Limb Outcome in Stroke A Cross-Sectional fMRI Study

  • Published: October 6, 2015



The nature of changes in brain activation related to good recovery of arm function after stroke is still unclear. While the notion that this is a reflection of neuronal plasticity has gained much support, confounding by compensatory strategies cannot be ruled out. We address this issue by comparing brain activity in recovered patients 6 months after stroke with healthy controls.


We included 20 patients with upper limb paresis due to ischemic stroke and 15 controls. We measured brain activation during a finger flexion-extension task with functional MRI, and the relationship between brain activation and hand function. Patients exhibited various levels of recovery, but all were able to perform the task.


Comparison between patients and controls with voxel-wise whole-brain analysis failed to reveal significant differences in brain activation. Equally, a region of interest analysis constrained to the motor network to optimize statistical power, failed to yield any differences. Finally, no significant relationship between brain activation and hand function was found in patients. Patients and controls performed scanner task equally well.


Brain activation and behavioral performance during finger flexion-extensions in (moderately) well recovered patients seems normal. The absence of significant differences in brain activity even in patients with a residual impairment may suggest that infarcts do not necessarily induce reorganization of motor function. While brain activity could be abnormal with higher task demands, this may also introduce performance confounds. It is thus still uncertain to what extent capacity for true neuronal repair after stroke exists.


Stroke is a leading cause of disability in western society [1]. The European Registers of Stroke study (EROS) show that of 2000 patients with first-ever strokes, 40% had a poor outcome in terms of a Barthel Index (BI) below 12 points at 3 months post stroke [2]. In the United States, 50% of stroke survivors suffer from hemiparesis [3,4]. Physical therapy aimed at restoring activities of daily living (ADL) remains the gold standard of treatment but outcomes are variable [5]. Recently, two independent studies have shown that an early return of some shoulder abduction and finger extension within 72 hours post stroke is highly predictive for outcome of upper limb function [68]. The patients’ ability to extend the paretic fingers voluntary is seen as an early sign of some intactness of corticospinal tract system (CST) after stroke [7,9]. In addition, in rehabilitation medicine voluntary control of finger extension is judged as a key function for achieving of some dexterity with the paretic limb [6,8,10].

An approach to improve our understanding of the mechanisms underlying functional recovery is to investigate the neural correlates of movement of the affected hand. Many cross-sectional as well as longitudinal studies have previously demonstrated a relationship between various patterns of fMRI brain activation and post-stroke outcome in patients with infarcts that spare M1. Correlations have been found between outcome after stroke, and increased (but also decreased) activation in secondary motor areas (such as PM and SMA), ipsilesional M1 overactivation, contralesional M1 activity as well as more bilateral activation patterns within the motor network, including the cerebellum [1113]. While there is variation in results of these studies, a recent meta-analysis has shown a consistent pattern of higher contralesional M1 activity and generally more widespread activity in secondary motor areas in stroke patients [14].

The relationship between these changes in brain activation and recovery of motor function is however not necessarily straightforward. Task parameters defining quality of motor performance as well as the occurrence of mirror movements are often not monitored in fMRI and may confound the interpretation of fMRI [12]. In addition, a number of recent longitudinal studies suggest that improvement of upper limb function after stroke is mainly driven by learning compensation strategies rather than by actual neuronal repair [15,16]. In animal studies compensatory strategies as correlates of recovery have also been shown after photothrombotic stroke [17,18]. Patients might learn to deal with impairments by using the affected limb to perform a task in a different way than before the stroke using alternative neuronal pathways, for example by reducing the number of degrees of freedom during movement [16,1921]. While such strategies may underlie clinical improvement, they do not constitute true neuronal plasticity or repair.

In the present fMRI study brain activity during motor function while performing an isolated, voluntary finger extension motor paradigm, is compared between patients with damage to the corticospinal tract and healthy controls. The patients are measured >6 months after stroke, when most of the recovery would be expected to have taken place. In addition, the quality of task performance was closely monitored with kinematic measurements to detect potential performance confounds, so that observed differences in brain activation between patients and control subjects can potentially be directly linked to neuronal plasticity [12]. We hypothesize that extent of functional recovery after stroke is associated with reorganization of brain function during a motor task, as proposed in literature [9,22]. We expect task-related brain activation to differ between subjects that have shown some motor recovery of the upper paretic limb, and healthy, age-matched controls. Specifically, we expect to find in stroke patients 1) elevated activation of secondary motor areas, 2) a more bilateral activation pattern across the motor network, as well as 3) a correlation between brain activity and functional outcome. However, we observed that under these well controlled conditions, there were differences in brain activation between patients and control subjects.


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