Friday, July 1, 2022

Real-time feedback control of split-belt ratio to induce targeted step length asymmetry

 How long have your therapists been using a split-belt treadmill for your walking recovery?

Real-time feedback control of split-belt ratio to induce targeted step length asymmetry



Split-belt treadmill training has been used to assist with gait rehabilitation following stroke. This method modifies a patient’s step length asymmetry by adjusting left and right tread speeds individually during training. However, current split-belt training approaches pay little attention to the individuality of patients by applying set tread speed ratios (e.g., 2:1 or 3:1). This generalization results in unpredictable step length adjustments between the legs. To customize the training, this study explores the capabilities of a live feedback system that modulates split-belt tread speeds based on real-time step length asymmetry.

Materials and methods

Fourteen healthy individuals participated in two 1.5-h gait training sessions scheduled 1 week apart. They were asked to walk on the Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment (CAREN) split-belt treadmill system with a boot on one foot to impose asymmetrical gait patterns. Each training session consisted of a 3-min baseline, 10-min baseline with boot, 10-min feedback with boot (6% asymmetry exaggeration in the first session and personalized in the second), 5-min post feedback with boot, and 3-min post feedback without boot. A proportional-integral (PI) controller was used to maintain a specified step-length asymmetry by changing the tread speed ratios during the 10-min feedback period. After the first session, a linear model between baseline asymmetry exaggeration and post-intervention asymmetry improvement was utilized to develop a relationship between target exaggeration and target post-intervention asymmetry. In the second session, this model predicted a necessary target asymmetry exaggeration to replace the original 6%. This prediction was intended to result in a highly symmetric post-intervention step length.

Results and discussion

Eleven out of 14 participants (78.6%) developed a successful relationship between asymmetry exaggeration and decreased asymmetry in the post-intervention period of the first session. Seven out of the 11 participants (63.6%) in this successful correlation group had second session post-intervention asymmetries of < 3.5%.


The use of a PI controller to modulate split-belt tread speeds demonstrated itself to be a viable method for individualizing split-belt treadmill training.


Conventional split-belt treadmill training techniques often do not consider the individuality of participants due to the use of predefined tread speed ratios, where the speed of the left belt and the speed of the right belt are constant and not equal [7, 14, 16, 22]. These ratios are applied for a period of time (split-belt training) and then the belts are returned to the same speed (tied-belt). The gait behavior retains short-term after-effects when the treadmill is returned to tied-belt. Since split belt ratios affect different participants differently, set ratios do not allow for targeted after-effects. As participants’ responsiveness to training has considerable variation, the need for individualized training strategies has become pertinent.

This study investigates the use of a real-time feedback controller focused on maintaining a desired step length asymmetry. The primary purpose of this study is to evaluate the ability of the controller to achieve target asymmetries in gait by focusing on step length and adjusting split-belt speed ratios using real-time feedback control. Additionally, we developed a model for each participant to predict second session outcomes based on first session performance. Therefore, the second purpose of the study is to determine the validity of a model that predicts intervention outcomes and individualizes training to achieve post-intervention step length asymmetry values < 3.5%.

Split-belt treadmill training

Split-belt treadmill training is an approach taken to modify gait patterns, particularly step length asymmetries [1, 2, 5,6,7, 14, 16,17,18, 22]. The belts are set such that one is “fast” and the other is “slow.” The typical initial response to this perturbation is that the step length on the slow belt will be longer while the step length on the fast belt will be shorter [17, 20]. Upon a sudden return to a tied-belt state, the participant expresses more symmetric step lengths, opposite in direction of those induced by the split-belt intervention (i.e., after-effect) [17, 20, 22]. The after-effects imposed by various split-belt ratios between 1:1 and 1:3 have been investigated [2, 26]. These experiments demonstrated a correlation between the belt speed ratio used during the adaptation period and the severity of the step length asymmetry observed in the early adaptation period (split-belt training) and the post-adaptation period (tied-belt after-effect). In the case of post-stroke participants, the transfer of after-effects from split-belt treadmill training to ground have also been studied. The after-effect imposed by a 2:1 split-belt ratio in post-stroke participants was partially transferred from the treadmill to overground after a short-term training [19]. The limited transfer of the after-effect to overground was still observed even after a long-term (4 weeks) split-belt treadmill training [17].

The split-belt treadmill approach has also been modified to determine whether sudden or gradual deviation from tied-belt to split-belt has any effect on participant performance. Hinkel-Lipsker and Hahn [5] conducted an experiment where one group was brought from tied-belt (0.7 m/s) to 2:1 split-belt (1.4 m/s to 0.7 m/s) by an acceleration profile of 0.02 m/s2 every 20 strides and a second group by an acceleration profile of 10 m/s2. This experiment revealed a novel kinetic pattern at the hip joint of those trained with the gradual split belts. Specifically, the 10 m/s2 acceleration scenario resulted in decreased work at the slow hip joint. Conversely, the slower acceleration scenario resulted in little to no difference in work done between the fast and slow hip joint. This study indicates that adaptation occurs regardless of whether the treadmill belt ratio changes gradually or suddenly. The overall effects of these training approaches need to be further explored to determine their efficacy when compared to standard sudden split-belt training.

Split-belt treadmill studies have consistently aimed at revealing the relationship between gait parameters and the tread ratios used for training. They often incorporate the analysis of step length and several other spatiotemporal parameters as well as dynamic parameters, such as joint work [23]. This feedback study does not aim at understanding the effect of a new and targeted intervention on all spatiotemporal and dynamic gait parameters. Rather, it aims at determining whether a single spatial parameter (step length) can be controlled in a highly targeted manner. Confirmation of this approach will allow future investigators to determine the clinical capacity of this new intervention through analysis of its effects on more gait parameters.

More at link.

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