Don't let them give you the generic eat healthy, exercise, blood pressure reduction, take care of cholesterol blather. Ask why they don't give you specific risk reduction steps like these 11 referenced and specific ideas.
And why don't they tell you about the 50% reduction of a marijuana bud a day?
Then you need to redirect the discussion to exactly what they are doing to prevent the neuronal cascade of death in the first week. My 30 actions in the immediate aftermath of my next stroke.
You have to put them on the spot and prove to them they know nothing about stroke prevention and rehab.
The Erlanger Southeast Regional Stroke Center
and local healthcare specialists will present Power to End Stroke on
Saturday, Sept. 14, from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. at Chattanooga State
Community College Health Science Center.
Officials said, "Our region has one of the highest incidences of stroke per capita in the United States.
On average, a stroke will occur every 45 seconds, and someone will die
from a stroke every 3 minutes. The presentations during the event will
educate the community on how to take a proactive approach to reduce the
chances of a deadly or debilitating stroke."
Dr. Thomas Devlin, local neurologist and medical director of the Erlanger Southeast Regional Stroke Center,
and other medical specialists will speak about the risk factors, signs
and symptoms, and lifestyle changes you need to take to prevent becoming
one of the statistics.
Officials stated, "Attendees will also learn how Erlanger has become
one of the leading stroke centers in the nation with research and
cutting edge treatment options. "
Power to End Stroke is presented by Erlanger Health System, American
Heart Association/American Stroke Association and Chattanooga State
Community Health Institute. The event is free, and a light lunch will be
provided. Registration is required. Call Erlanger's HealthLink at (423)
778-LINK (5465), seven days a week from 8 a.m. until midnight for more
information and to pre-register.
A very simple question to ask while there:
If you had a stroke, what are your chances of getting to 100% recovery.
No excuses like; 'All strokes are different, all stroke recoveries are different'
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