Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Target launches healthcare innovation challenge. It’s aim: simplify healthcare

I bet stroke survivors when presented with such a challenge could come up with thousands of ideas. But that would be stepping on the toes of established stroke associations and show how incompetent and inconsequential they really are. A great stroke association wouldn't need such a challenge because they would already have solicited such ideas and pursued the best ones. I put in my
30 first week hyperacute ideas. along with 177 ones needing testing.
Target has joined one of the growing trends in healthcare: innovation challenges. It announced on Monday two contests: one will seek a solution that helps people make positive lifestyle and prevention choices, while the other will gather ways to help people live well with a chronic condition.
The Target Simplicity Challenge will reward the creators of the winning ideas $25,000 apiece, their own Target-branded flip camera, and a chance to partner with Target to develop the concepts. The deadline for ideas is Oct. 24 and winners will be announced by January.
As the title suggests, Target wants small, simple ideas that can substantively solve the problems outlined in the contest. Jose Barra, Target’s senior vice president of health and beauty, said the company made the challenge topics broad because it wanted to attract an array of individuals who think they have a cool idea but who could get lost in the cracks of bigger competitions.
Rewards in healthcare innovation challenges are getting increasingly larger. The Knight Foundation has partnered with the likes of Robert Wood Johnson to hand out more than $2 million, for example.

Target announced the challenges at the Mayo Clinic Transform Conference going on this week in Minnesota.

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