Saturday, February 22, 2014

What evidence does your doctor need to start using some hyperacute therapies that may stop the neuronal cascade of death?

The answer had better not be, ' When the Joint Commission includes it in their guidelines'
Or is the answer, 'I won't change anything from what I learned in medical school'
Or, 'I'm waiting for someone else to do the work to prove efficacy'
Is any of those answers a doctor worth trusting saving your neurons to?
177 possibilities needing research.
31 things I will be demanding my doctor give me. I will take charge of my own therapy because otherwise my doctor will just allow my neurons to die thru inaction. 
Don't do this because you will be practicing medicine, something your doctor obviously knows very little about. And you'll probably get arrested. So charge your doctor with murdering your neurons by medical neglect.

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