Monday, January 24, 2022

What should your doctor be doing the first week you are in the hospital?

What is your doctor's plan? The only plan is for 100% recovery, don't let your doctor talk of anything less.     SPECIFICALLY!  If your doctor hems and haws and uses the craptastic saying: 'All strokes are different, all stroke recoveries are different'. It means your doctor knows ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ON HOW TO GET YOU RECOVERED! But since  I'm not medically trained  you can't listen to anything I say. 

My doctor wrote 3 prescriptions for E.T.(Evaluate and Treat) to PT, ST, OT, and did nothing the first week allowing 5.4 billion neurons to die.   Meaning he knew ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT STROKE RECOVERY.


Your doctor should have very specific treatment plans for every one of these problems.  If your doctor doesn't know of all these and have treatment plans then you don't have a useful doctor, trade for something better.

 Your doctors and hospital  have known for decades that stroke recovery doesn't work.  Only 10% of patients get to full recovery.

Do you prefer your doctor and hospital incompetence NOT KNOWING? OR NOT DOING?

 Every single one of the following sections needs a SPECIFIC PROTOCOL FROM YOUR DOCTOR if they are competent at all.

First, create an objective diagnosis of exactly what area of the brain is dead or dying and map that to the deficits presented.

Start all the protocols necessary to stop the 5 causes of the neuronal cascade of death in the first days. I lost 5.4 billion neurons because my doctor did nothing that first week.  If I had only lost 177 million neurons in the 90 minutes it took me to get tPA I would have easily recovered by now.

 tPA only fully works to reverse the stroke 12% of the time. Known since 1996. What is your doctor doing to ensure that you still get to full recovery if tPA doesn't fully work?  Your doctor has had 26 years to work out a solution.  WHERE IS IT?


30% of survivors having sleep problems.

What is your doctor's sleep protocol? Do sleeping pills even create good sleep?



Stop brain atrophy due to lack of sleep and all other causes.  What is your doctor's brain atrophy prevention protocol?

Lack of sleep may shrink your brain September, 2014:



You do have a 23% chance of stroke survivors getting PTSD.

What is your doctor's protocol to prevent that? And if not prevented what is the protocol to treat it?


Only 10% of patients get to full recovery. How is your doctor ensuring you are one of them?


Your risks of dementia, has your doctor told you of this?

1. A documented 33% dementia chance post-stroke from an Australian study?   May 2012.

2. Then this study came out and seems to have a range from 17-66%. December 2013.`    

3. A 20% chance in this research.   July 2013.

4. Dementia Risk Doubled in Patients Following Stroke September 2018

Where are the  protocols to prevent your dementia?


 How is your stroke doctor preventing your 39% chance of post stroke delirium?


The researchers found that 21% of patients had developed cachexia one year later.

Weakness and wasting of the body due to severe chronic illness.

What is your doctors prevention protocol on this? 



Post stroke anxiety(20% chance).  

What are your doctor's protocols to prevent that?



Post stroke depression(33% chance).

What are your doctor's protocols to prevent that? The correct solution is to have EXACT STROKE PROTOCOLS LEADING TO 100% RECOVERY. Your survivor will be too busy counting reps and looking forward to recovery to get depressed. Treatment after already depressed is totally the wrong solution. PREVENT IT FROM OCCURRING!


We've known for years that seizures can occur post stroke. What is your doctor doing to prevent them?


 What is your doctor doing to ensure you aren't having 69% sedentary time while in the hospital?  If you aren't doing direct therapy with therapists you should have thousands of hours of action observation videos.


The occurrence of shoulder pain after stroke is quite common in hemiplegia with an estimated incidence between 16% and 84%. 

What is your doctors EXACT PROTOCOL to prevent such shoulder pain. PREVENT, not treat after the fact. 


YOUR DOCTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY IS TO GET EXACT DIET PROTOCOLS CREATED. No protocols s/he needs to be fired. I take no prisoners in trying to get stroke solved by those who are responsible for solving it. In fact I would have the board of directors fired for incompetency also.


Diet: Your doctor is responsible for having the dietician create diets for ALL THESE:

For stroke prevention; for stroke recovery; for dementia prevention; for cognitive improvement; for cholesterol reduction; for plaque removal; for Parkinsons prevention; for inflammation reduction; for blood pressure reduction; for dementia prevention; for Alzheimer's prevention.

In case your doctor does nothing you can start guessing by reading all these:

The role of diet in secondary stroke prevention


20-25% apathy post stroke

 This is a secondary problem which is solved by having

EXACT STROKE PROTOCOLS LEADING TO 100% RECOVERY. Your survivor will be too busy counting reps and looking forward to recovery to be apathetic.


What is your doctor's solution? You can't do marijuana until your doctor prescribes it.

Image result for why doctors won't prescribe marijuana

Marijuana use linked with decreased constipation


The results of the tests revealed that over 50% of the stroke patients had attention disorders that had not been diagnosed.  

Has your doctor diagnosed this and created a treatment plan for it?



 These are your likely cognitive problems. Your doctor has a lot of work to do to prevent them.

5 lost years of brain cognition due to your stroke?

post-stroke cognitive impairment (PCI), the prevalence of which is high (from 24 to 70%)


Fatigue is estimated all over the place. Fatigue and spasticity were my two worst problems to overcome. I bulled my way thru fatigue with tons of coffee. Spasticity hasn't lessened one bit in the past 15 years.  

At least half of all stroke survivors experience fatigue 

Or is it 70%?

Or is it 40%?


Spasticity; the main reason I haven't recovered. No one in the world seems to know one damn specific thing about curing it, all we get are useless management strategies like botox or muscle relaxants..

Definition here: Spasticity is a condition in which there is an abnormal increase in muscle tone or stiffness of muscle, which might  interfere with movement, speech, or be associated with discomfort or pain. 

You might hear it called tone, which sounds so benign,it's not. 

Since 30% of survivors have spasticity you would think your doctor would have created a solution or at least initiated research into a solution. But I bet your doctor has done nothing in all the years of practice and survivors not getting cured of spasticity. Ask them what they are doing to CURE spasticity.


And why doesn't your doctor have something like this for every stroke patient? Maybe call it a stroke protocol?

My doctor did absolutely nothing that first week letting 5.4 billion neurons die.

Of course your doctor will not listen to anything I have to say. Ask why the research I point to is invalid.


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