Wednesday, February 17, 2016

If Only Health Care Would Focus On This One Thing

The patient perspective for stroke survivors would be 100% recovery. If doctors would do that they would:
1. Solve the neuronal cascade of death of these 5 causes.
2. Create a hyperacute protocol likely with these 31 possibilities in the first week
3. Solve all the problems in stroke
4. Know exactly how neuroplasticity works and make it 100% repeatable for chronic survivors.
5.  Know exactly how neurogenesis works and make it 100% repeatable for chronic survivors. 
In health care, our keystone habit should be taking the patient’s perspective. If we could develop the habit of always seeing health care from the perspective of the patient, we would have one guiding principle – not four – for the tough decisions and trade-offs that need to be made as we reform health care. How long should patients have to wait to make an appointment? It is worth investing in email communication systems with patients? If the response is governed by balancing patient experience, quality measurements, costs considerations and worker satisfaction, the answer gets complicated. If instead we habitually ask, “What do I want when I’m a patient?” the answer is clear.

More at link. 

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