Friday, July 15, 2016

We're calling on the government to introduce a new stroke strategy. Help us reach 100,000 signatures. - England

This is the wrong way to do this. You write a stroke strategy yourself and hand it to the government to implement. You ask for results, not processes or care or guidelines.

Ask for:

1.  Repeatable neuroplasticity,

2.  Repeatable neurogenesis,

3.  Solve all of these problems in stroke

4.  Getting to fast accurate  and easy diagnosis  of stroke

We're calling on the government to introduce a new stroke strategy. Help us reach 100,000 signatures. - England


  1. Dean, one problem w your way is the time it would take to do any recovery study, unless some magic protocol could return results within a year. All of us would be struggling along with no proven protocol for as long as any successful protocol evolves. Although, that's all we're doing these days anyway.

    1. But if we don't ask for the BHAGs - Big Hairy
      Audaious Goals the stroke overlords will just keep the failure of the status quo. Better to tell them we know what needs to be done and just give us the money and get the hell out of the way. If we don't start agitating now, another 20 years will pass with nothing accomplished.
