Friday, September 20, 2013

Every second counts

Another email from the National Stroke Association. This is precisely why they will never become a great stroke association. They push all the responsibility for recognizing stroke and getting yourself to a hospital that can't with any degree of assurance prevent disability. They are a one-trick pony and stroke needs dozens of arrows in their quiver.
Like these objective ways of diagnosing stroke. one of these 17 ways.
Specific risk reduction steps like these 11 referenced and specific ideas.
These treatments in the first week. My 30 actions in the immediate aftermath of my next stroke.
Do you see any of that from this organization that has hundreds of employees, doctors, and Ph.Ds employed?  Damn I'll be extremely arrogant and say I'm smarter than all of these employees combined
Someday Mr. Baranski you will talk to me and you will have a lot to answer for on the sad state of stroke research/rehab.

Dear Dean, 
When stroke hits, every second counts.
On average, it takes between three and six hours for someone to get to the
emergency room once
he or she starts showing signs of a stroke. But for many, immediate 
medical care can be the 
difference between life and death.
Would you recognize stroke warning signs right away? Or—like too many—
would you be left not knowing
that you have a potentially life-threatening situation on your hands?
You can make a life-saving difference for yourself or another person 
you just need to know 
how to act FAST.
Ask the person to smile. Does one side
of the face droop?
Ask the person to raise both arms.
Does one arm drift downward?
Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence.
Does the speech sound slurred or strange?
If you observe any of these signs, it’s time to 
call 9-1-1 or get to the nearest stroke center or hospital.
At National Stroke Association, we are committed to reducing the incidence
and impact of stroke.
The life-saving information available in this email is so important, we’ve made
it available on convenient
wallet-sized cards. This wallet card is an easy way to make sure you’re
ready to act FAST when stroke strikes.
Download your free FAST wallet card today and make sure you’re ready to act FAST when stroke hits.
The more knowledge we share, the more lives we will save. 
Together, we can stop stroke.
Thank you for standing with us and thousands of stroke champions
dedicated to raising stroke awareness.
Jim Baranski Signature
Jim Baranski
Chief Executive Officer
National Stroke Association

9707 E. Easter Lane, Suite B, Centennial, CO 80112
1-800-STROKES (787-6537)
National Stroke Association © 201

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