Friday, March 22, 2013


Calico is the spinoff from Google trying to fight aging and defy death. California Life Company.
My ideas on this that  I sent to them are stroke related and pretty much a complete compilation of what a great stroke association would be doing.
Stroke is a massive worldwide killer and disabler.
25% who get strokes die.
Only 10% of the survivors fully recover.
The loss of Disability Adjusted Life Years is massive.
This can be reduced substantially but will require a detailed and focused strategy.
The only  possible drug intervention in the first hours is tPA and that has an appalling efficacy rate of 12%. Less than 10% of possible patients get it because the diagnosis needed to prove its use is so technically advanced and neurology knowledge dependant.
The first thing you do is get away from the technical and knowledge needs for diagnosing stroke that can use tPA.
Maybe these sixteen objective ways of diagnosis.
These 16 possibilities need further research but by having an objective way to diagnose you could vastly increase those that could receive tPA.
This objective diagnosis would obviate the need for specialized stroke centers because it could be written up in standard ER practices.  
To get around the poor efficacy of tPA you see what other research has pointed to already and roll out validated protocols to all hospitals.
Like these14;
The easy 30 possibilities are listed here;

The 177 possibilities needing much more research  are listed here;
The 1000 earlier failures of neuroprotection research that Dr. Michael Tymianski of the Toronto Western Hospital Research Institute in Canada needs to be further researched to see if the rodent model in inflammation is not the same as humans explains why those 1000 drugs failed.

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