Friday, March 28, 2014

Stroke patients should receive customized palliative care

What a pile of crap. Providing palliative care means the stroke medical team has given up on recovery. Don't they have any clue that these 31 hyperacute possibilities would be a good starting point? Should these be given that will lessen the disability considerably? Or these 177 possibilities needing research? By doing these I bet the 30-day death rate would be lessened considerably. This is a perfect example of the nocebo effect. Your doctor expects you to die, so you'll have to oblige them and do that.
This stress you are under will start elimination of dendritic spines in the hippocampus. And that is the start of your downward spiral to death.

If this occurs to you your doctors have already given up on your recovery, you need to fire them and go to a more knowledgeable and professional place, you don't want to stay where incompetency rules. You're going to have get into a screaming match with your doctor, because nothing else will cause them to change their practice.
 And this was written in the American Heart Association journal Stroke. you can cross the ASA off the list of organizations that support survivors.

Don't listen to me, I have no medical training and obviously should not question the medical gods.
And yes I do know that palliative care is not the same as hospice care but it's the slippery slope leading to no useful therapy. 

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