A former policeman from Errol in Perthshire has highlighted the untreated psychological damage he suffered following a stroke.

He told the PA his story to back up a call from The Stroke Association (SA) for Scotland’s 14 health boards to take immediate action to address the emotional and psychological needs of stroke survivors.

Errol was a Police Scotland public order instructor and officer. He was very physically active and, outside of work, a keen endurance athlete.

Afterwards he was out of the force, diagnosed with PTSD and depression and reported the frustration of having to give up his active hobbies.

The Stroke Association’s concerns come after they made a Freedom of Information (FOI) request and found less than 10 per cent of clinical/neuropsychologists had protected time for stroke cases .

In addition, the Scottish Stroke Care Audit revealed in June this year that not one health board is delivering specialised psychological care.