Changing stroke rehab and research worldwide now.Time is Brain! trillions and trillions of neurons that DIE each day because there are NO effective hyperacute therapies besides tPA(only 12% effective). I have 523 posts on hyperacute therapy, enough for researchers to spend decades proving them out. These are my personal ideas and blog on stroke rehabilitation and stroke research. Do not attempt any of these without checking with your medical provider. Unless you join me in agitating, when you need these therapies they won't be there.

What this blog is for:

My blog is not to help survivors recover, it is to have the 10 million yearly stroke survivors light fires underneath their doctors, stroke hospitals and stroke researchers to get stroke solved. 100% recovery. The stroke medical world is completely failing at that goal, they don't even have it as a goal. Shortly after getting out of the hospital and getting NO information on the process or protocols of stroke rehabilitation and recovery I started searching on the internet and found that no other survivor received useful information. This is an attempt to cover all stroke rehabilitation information that should be readily available to survivors so they can talk with informed knowledge to their medical staff. It lays out what needs to be done to get stroke survivors closer to 100% recovery. It's quite disgusting that this information is not available from every stroke association and doctors group.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Cognitive outcomes improved with endovascular therapy in acute ischemic stroke

 Survivors don't want just 'improves'; they want 100% recovery you blithering idiots! GET THERE! You just might want 100% recovery when you are the 1 in 4 per WHO that has a stroke Might be too late then for you to solve the 100% problem!

Cognitive outcomes improved with endovascular therapy in acute ischemic stroke

Key takeaways:

  • Researchers engaged in a secondary analysis of the ESCAPE clinical trial in patients with acute ischemic stroke.
  • Higher odds of favorable outcome were recorded across all five cognitive tests.

Endovascular therapy was linked with improved outcomes across five cognitive tests in those with acute ischemic stroke, according to research published in Neurology.

“The incidence of dementia is estimated at 8.2% at 1 year after minor stroke and 34% after severe stroke,” Raed A. Joundi, MD, DPhil, a stroke neurologist at Hamilton Health Sciences in Ontario, Canada, and colleagues wrote. “As such, interventions to reduce cognitive impairment has been identified as a priority by stroke survivors.

Image of brain with ischemic stroke
Latest research found that cognitive outcomes in acute ischemic stroke were improved with endovascular therapy. Image: Adobe Stock

Joundi and colleagues aimed to evaluate the effect of endovascular therapy (EVT) on cognitive function by analyzing results of the Endovascular Treatment for Small Core and Anterior Circulation Proximal Occlusion with Emphasis on Minimizing CT to Recanalization Times (ESCAPE) trial.

Their study examined data from 315 individuals with acute ischemic stroke, roughly half of whom received EVT (n = 165) and the other cohort as matched controls. Participants underwent cognitive assessments 90 days post-stroke via the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), Sunnybrook Neglect Assessment Procedure (SNAP), Boston Naming Test (BNT), Trail-making test A (Trails A), and Trail-making test B (Trails B). Not all participants were able to complete the testing due to cognitive impairment or death and were subsequently placed in the unfavorable performance group.

The researchers utilized logistic regression to evaluate the association between EVT and favorable outcomes based on scores of the five cognitive tests, adjusting for demographic and clinical factors. They additionally employed generalized estimating equations and ordinal regression to determine odds of favorable outcome with EVT on global cognition based on scores from the tests, adding final infarct volume (FIV) on MRI or computerized tomography 24 to 48 hours post stroke to the models to assess its relationship with cognitive outcome.

The researchers reported higher odds of favorable outcome with EVT for all five cognitive tests: MoCA (adjusted OR = 2.32; 95% CI, 1.3–4.16), SNAP (aOR = 3.85; 95% CI, 2–7.45), BNT (aOR = 2.33; 95% CI, 1.3–4.17), trails A (aOR = 3.50; 95% CI, 1.93–6.36), and trails B (aOR = 2.56; 95% CI, 1.46–4.48).

In addition, higher odds of favorable outcome with EVT were recorded with global binary (aOR = 2.57; 95% CI, 1.67–3.94) and ordinal analyses (aOR = 2.83; 95% CI, 1.68–4.76) of cognitive function. Upon further analyses, both FIV and EVT were also significantly associated with cognitive outcome.

“We believe the results represent compelling randomized trial evidence for the cognitive benefit of acute stroke therapy because they are consistent across domains of cognitive function,” Joundi and colleagues wrote.



Disclosures: Joundi reports no relevant financial disclosures. Please see the study for all other authors’ relevant financial disclosures.

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