Your doctor needs to find out exactly what aerobic and sustained mean. In other words,
What the hell is the stroke protocol for this? This is not rocket science, your doctor can do this minimal amount of work, and should be able to translate rat exercise to human exercise.
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Key points
- Aerobic exercise such as running enhances adult hippocampal neurogenesis (AHN) in rodents.
- Little is known about the effects of high-intensity interval training (HIT) or of purely anaerobic resistance training on AHN.
- Here,
compared to a sedentary lifestyle, we report a very modest effect of
HIT and no effect of resistance training on AHN in adult male rats.
- We
find most AHN in rats that were selectively bred for an innately high
response to aerobic exercise that also run voluntarily and - increase
maximum running capacity.
- Our results confirm that sustained aerobic exercise is key in improving AHN.
exercise, such as running, has positive effects on brain structure and
function, for example, adult hippocampal neurogenesis (AHN) and
learning. Whether high-intensity interval training (HIT), referring to
alternating short bouts of very intense anaerobic exercise with recovery
periods, or anaerobic resistance training (RT) has similar effects on
AHN is unclear. In addition, individual genetic variation in the overall
response to physical exercise likely plays a part in the effects of
exercise on AHN but is less studied. Recently, we developed polygenic
rat models that gain differentially for running capacity in response to
aerobic treadmill training. Here we subjected these Low Response Trainer
(LRT) and High Response Trainer (HRT) adult male rats to various forms
of physical exercise for 6 to 8 weeks and examined its effects on AHN.
Compared to sedentary animals, the highest number of
doublecortin-positive hippocampal cells was observed in HRT rats that
ran voluntarily on a running wheel while HIT on the treadmill had a
smaller, statistically non-significant effect on AHN. AHN was elevated
in both LRT and HRT rats that endurance trained on a treadmill compared
to those that performed RT by climbing a vertical ladder with weights,
despite their significant gain in strength. Furthermore, RT had no
effect on proliferation (Ki67), maturation (doublecortin) or survival
(BrdU) of new adult-born hippocampal neurons in adult male
Sprague-Dawley rats. Our results suggest physical exercise promotes AHN
most if it is aerobic and sustained, and especially when accompanied by a
heightened genetic predisposition for response to physical exercise.
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