This site has all the buzz words you need to obsfucate any and all scientific claims. Have fun wading through it.
1. zeta potential
2. parasympathetic branch activity
3. free electrons
4. cortisol
and lots of other big words to confuse you and sound important. It intersperses real science with the rest of the stuff to have the free electrons from real science affect the woo they are peddling
A paragraph from there, picture at link, whoopee.
The pictures above show a person’s red blood cells before and after 2 hours of grounding. The cells below clearly demonstrate increased zeta potential and decreased blood viscosity. Such significant changes in blood after only 2 hours of grounding indicates that walking barefoot on the earth’s surface for at least 2 hours a day (alternately, using an Earthing device) may protect against cardiovascular events like heart attacks or strokes. It follows, that sleeping at night while grounded provides the greatest opportunity for blood thinning effects.
And more positive stuff from here;

Wow, argument from antiquity
I could use the same argument style to prove bloodletting, trepanation and leeches work.
For explanations of why this doesn't work.
1. The Red Flags of Quackery v2
2. Earthing: Medical Discovery or Quack Scam?
3.Earthing This is just one of many pseudosciences that fits into the “just make shit up” category.
4. Debunking Earthing The only thing that Earthing in itself seems to be is a bunch New Age woo and energy woo.
But don't listen to my opinion on this quackery, I'm sure there is real scientific research on this somewhere, the supporters will find it and use it in unnatural ways to say this works.
I look forward to the clinical trials that the earthing sellers will run to prove this works.
My god, cheap and easy prevention of 800,000 strokes a year in the US. Whats not to like? The government will throw money at them.
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