Changing stroke rehab and research worldwide now.Time is Brain! trillions and trillions of neurons that DIE each day because there are NO effective hyperacute therapies besides tPA(only 12% effective). I have 523 posts on hyperacute therapy, enough for researchers to spend decades proving them out. These are my personal ideas and blog on stroke rehabilitation and stroke research. Do not attempt any of these without checking with your medical provider. Unless you join me in agitating, when you need these therapies they won't be there.

What this blog is for:

My blog is not to help survivors recover, it is to have the 10 million yearly stroke survivors light fires underneath their doctors, stroke hospitals and stroke researchers to get stroke solved. 100% recovery. The stroke medical world is completely failing at that goal, they don't even have it as a goal. Shortly after getting out of the hospital and getting NO information on the process or protocols of stroke rehabilitation and recovery I started searching on the internet and found that no other survivor received useful information. This is an attempt to cover all stroke rehabilitation information that should be readily available to survivors so they can talk with informed knowledge to their medical staff. It lays out what needs to be done to get stroke survivors closer to 100% recovery. It's quite disgusting that this information is not available from every stroke association and doctors group.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

The tests that tell how well you’re ageing

 Required! Your doctor gets you 100% recovered so you can do all the exercises you want and pass all these tests. If your doctor can't do that, you have an incompetent doctor since s/he has known since medical school how fucking bad stroke recovery is and DOING NOTHING TO SOLVE IT. Doing nothing is my definition of incompetency, what is your definition?

Considering I just climbed to 10,400 feet to get to Tiger's Nest in Bhutan I think I'm aging quite well and I don't pass these tests. Have walked 17 miles in one day traversing New York City, we cut it short by three miles at the end of the day and took a taxi back to the hotel, my partner requested it.

The tests that tell how well you’re ageing

Story by Caroline Idiens
 • 4mo • 7 min read
Caroline Idiens has over one million Instagram followers through her home workouts© Provided by The Telegraph

You can have the healthiest diet in the world, but if you want to age well and remain independent the key things you’ll need are balance, strength and flexibility.

As a fitness coach specialising in strength workouts at home – specifically for those of us in midlife – I can’t stress enough how important it is to future-proof our bodies. From the age of just 35 onwards, we lose bone density and muscle mass; research repeatedly shows that exercise and daily movement are essential to combat this. Putting in the effort now, there’s no reason why we can’t be healthy in our later years.

Increasing our muscle strength, flexibility, improving our balance and posture are all key to being able to perform daily activities as well as preventing injuries and the risk of osteoporosis. 

These tests are all designed to be done at home, there’s no fancy equipment needed, and they indicate your current fitness level as well as allowing you to track your progress over time – perfect for motivating us. Setting achievable goals inspires us, and there’s no reason why those in midlife onwards can’t feel fitter and stronger than we did in our 20s and 30s. 

1. Standing on one leg

On my good leg I can do this, my bad leg not even close. Since I haven't been able to do this since my stroke at age 50 I guess I should have fallen lots of time in the ensuing 18 years, not so. I thought the Berg Balance Scale testing that was common, was totally worthless since there never was any specific therapy given to address the failure points I had in that test. 

Why it’s important

The ability to remain upright is something we don’t miss until it’s gone. We learn to ride a bike when we’re young but then probably don’t think about it again until we notice things like needing to hold onto something when we get out of a wet bath. Falls are the most common cause of accidental death after road accidents and a lack of balance has been linked to earlier death. Balance taxes the brain because it requires your eyes, your vestibular system (which comes from the inner ears and detects movement) and proprioceptors in your limbs that send signals to your brain, telling it what is going on.  

How to improve it 

This one has been hugely popular on social media and for good reason, being able to stand on one leg for the time it takes to tie your shoelace is excellent practice; as you can see progression and whether your balance is stronger on one side than the other. Practice will help improve this. 

If tying your shoelace seems too much, you can also try standing on one leg as you brush your teeth, so the sink is there for support should you need it.  

How to test your progress 

  • If you’re under 40, you should be able to stand on one leg continuously for 43 seconds
  • If you’re aged between 40 and 49 it’s 40 seconds
  • If you’re aged between 50 and 59, it’s 37 seconds
  • If you’re aged between 60 and 69, it’s between 18 and 19 seconds
  • If you’re aged between 70 to 79 seconds
  • If you’re over you’re over 80, aim for a little over five seconds

2. Plank 

Why it’s important

A strong core is more important than just looking good at the beach, it helps with everyday activities including lifting children, housework, carrying groceries and gardening which all involve engaging our core muscles. A plank is a common metric for physical fitness, and will do your abs more good than endless sit-ups. Strengthening deep core muscles is an effective way to ward off back pain, which one in six in Britain suffer from. Anyone who’s suffered chronic back ache will know how debilitating it is and why it’s worth making the effort to prevent it.

How to improve it 

Place your foremans on the floor directly under your shoulders, lift your body into a straight line so the weight is on your toes and forearms and hold your head in line with your spine. The beauty of this exercise is its simplicity, as well as how it engages multiple muscles that help support the core. This test can give you a good read on your current core strength and can be used to follow your progress over time.

Absolutely impossible for my hands to be on the ground, spasticity prevents me from flattening my left hand at all. Forearm planks are possible, high planks impossible because my doctors COMPLETELY FAILED AT CURING SPASTICITY!

If you want to add a challenge, try a military plank for 30 seconds, which involves moving from a high plank to a low plank position and back up again, transferring your weight from one to the other with minimal movement through the hips 

How to track your progress 

This core strength test is simple. Assume the plank position and use the stopwatch on your phone. Build up gradually, a few seconds at a time, aiming for up to 60 seconds of holding it. But even 10 seconds is great for total beginners, and improvements at any age are entirely possible.

3. Standing from seated in a chair 

Why it’s important

If you’re one of the ‘oof’ people you’re not alone. But people who struggle to stand up from a chair repeatedly have lower levels of body strength, resulting in inactivity, balance problems, falls, accidental death and injury. 

This test has been shown to be helpful in predicting risk of musculoskeletal problems, such as back pain, in office workers.

How to improve it

Use an armless chair, a standard kitchen chair with a hardback works nicely, and with your feet shoulder width apart and planted firmly on the floor, simply see how many times you can stand from sitting in 30 seconds. Make sure you fully rise to standing and properly sit down, with no cheating half-measures.

How to track your progress

  • Set your timer to 30 seconds and complete as many reps as you can, without using your hands for support if possible
  • For those up to age 60, an average score would be around 24-25 for women and 25-27 for men

After 60 you might expect to do less. Somewhere between 10 and 12 would be something to aim for.If you’re aged between 70 and 79 the average would be 10-15 (women) and 11-17 (men). If you’re aged 80 and over, the average would be 8-14 (women) and 8-15 (men).

I managed to do 14 and I'm 68 so I guess I passed.

4. Squat and press with water bottles for weight 

Why it’s important 

This is a perfect example of functional fitness with compound movements – essential for longevity. Functional fitness is all about exercises which mimic what we do everyday, without even realising it. Whenever you bend down to pick something up, remember your technique, engage your core and you will find your back feels stronger and protected because of it. Especially if you are gardening or doing household chores.

Squats are the ultimate compound movement incorporating many muscle groups at once, not only do they help with lower body and core strength, they also improve your balance and posture, preventing injuries. Having problems with your knees doubles the chance of falling in later life.

How to improve it

You can do this without weights. You don’t need to buy dumbbells, you can use full water bottles instead, one in each hand, to make it more challenging. With your feet wider than hip width apart (toes pointing out in a sumo squat stance), engage your core and drive the hips back, with all the weight through the heels, keeping your chest lifted and shoulders back. As you come back to standing, drive up with your arms into a shoulder press. 

I can't get my left hand open enough to even grasp a water bottle because my doctor COMPLETELY FAILED AT CURING MY SPASTICITY!

How to track your progress

With this test, how many reps you can do is more dependent on a person’s general fitness than age. People of any age can work on improving their strength.

To start with, aim for 10-12 reps, and three sets.

5. Grip strength

Why it’s important

When it comes to exercising, few of us would prioritise giving our hands a workout. But much research proves the correlation between grip strength in midlife (think Penny Mordaunt’s sword-clutching at King Charles’ coronation) with a decreased rate of mortality. One study of 140,000 people found that for each 5kg drop in grip prowess, chance of death rose by 14 per cent, and heart attack risk was upped by seven per cent. Grip strength is a good indicator of general health, while low grip strength is a symptom of sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss) as well as diabetes and Alzheimer’s

Having a stronger grip will benefit everything from being able to open jars, carry groceries etc and to be able to live independently for longer (as well as being able to clutch at a railing, for example, should you fall).

How to improve it

Using a medium sized bathroom towel, firmly hold it between both hands and use the same twisting action you would to wring it out if it was wet. This will exercise both hands at the same time, though alternatively you can use a tennis ball, practice squeezing as hard as you can for 10 seconds, release, and repeat three times. Remembering to swap hands, of course. You can even do it as you watch television. 

Absolutely impossible, my left hand can't get flat at all because my doctor COMPLETELY FAILED AT CURING MY SPASTICITY!

How to test your progress

To check your progress you can hold a pair of bathroom scales in both hands and grip as hard as you can on two sides, checking your reflection in a mirror to see what the reading is (and then aim to increase it over time). The most accurate way of measuring grip strength is using a hand dynamometer (available online for around £15). 

  • For women aged 40-50 a score of 22-27kg would be average
  • For women aged 50-60 a score of 20-25kg would be average
  • Men have a stronger grip, so 40-50 year olds should aim for 42-49kg
  • For men aged 50-60, a score of 39-45 kg would be average

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