Changing stroke rehab and research worldwide now.Time is Brain! trillions and trillions of neurons that DIE each day because there are NO effective hyperacute therapies besides tPA(only 12% effective). I have 523 posts on hyperacute therapy, enough for researchers to spend decades proving them out. These are my personal ideas and blog on stroke rehabilitation and stroke research. Do not attempt any of these without checking with your medical provider. Unless you join me in agitating, when you need these therapies they won't be there.

What this blog is for:

My blog is not to help survivors recover, it is to have the 10 million yearly stroke survivors light fires underneath their doctors, stroke hospitals and stroke researchers to get stroke solved. 100% recovery. The stroke medical world is completely failing at that goal, they don't even have it as a goal. Shortly after getting out of the hospital and getting NO information on the process or protocols of stroke rehabilitation and recovery I started searching on the internet and found that no other survivor received useful information. This is an attempt to cover all stroke rehabilitation information that should be readily available to survivors so they can talk with informed knowledge to their medical staff. It lays out what needs to be done to get stroke survivors closer to 100% recovery. It's quite disgusting that this information is not available from every stroke association and doctors group.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

The exercise prescription to reduce your Alzheimer’s risk, according to experts

 Didn't your competent? doctor tell you this a long time ago? and got you recovered enough to do this exercise amount?

Do you prefer your  doctor and hospital incompetence NOT KNOWING? OR NOT DOING?


  • irisin (10 posts to October 2013)

The exercise prescription to reduce your Alzheimer’s risk, according to experts

Alzheimer’s Society researchers found that exercise alone cuts dementia risk by up to 45 per cent© Provided by The TelegraphIf you want to avoid the cruel fate of dementia, then one of the best things you can do is to get on your bike or go for a jog.Scientists have long known that exercise has a protective effect against Alzheimer’s disease as well as other dementias. Last year, the Alzheimer’s Society analysed the findings of 11 different studies that examined the connection between lifestyle changes and brain health in later life, and found that it was exercise which made the most difference. While quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet and avoiding alcohol can all mitigate dementia risk, none of these measures makes as much difference as regular exercise. Overall, Alzheimer’s Society researchers found that exercise alone cuts dementia risk by up to 45 per cent. A new study in the peer-reviewed journal Neuron revealed a major new clue as to why this might be the case. Exercise releases a hormone called irisin, which is capable of clearing the toxic amyloid plaques in the brain that kill off nerve cells, causing Alzheimer’s disease.Irisin: a hormone released with exercise that is capable of clearing the toxic amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer’s disease, according to a new study “Irisin helps reduce these plaques,” says Christiane Wrann, an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, who was involved in the study. “In previous studies, we’ve shown that cognitive decline is slower in mice engineered to have features of Alzheimer’s that have been treated with irisin. It seems that it might have effects on cognitive function, neuroinflammation, clearing plaques, and also encouraging the formation of new neurons in the brain.”   

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