Changing stroke rehab and research worldwide now.Time is Brain! trillions and trillions of neurons that DIE each day because there are NO effective hyperacute therapies besides tPA(only 12% effective). I have 523 posts on hyperacute therapy, enough for researchers to spend decades proving them out. These are my personal ideas and blog on stroke rehabilitation and stroke research. Do not attempt any of these without checking with your medical provider. Unless you join me in agitating, when you need these therapies they won't be there.

What this blog is for:

My blog is not to help survivors recover, it is to have the 10 million yearly stroke survivors light fires underneath their doctors, stroke hospitals and stroke researchers to get stroke solved. 100% recovery. The stroke medical world is completely failing at that goal, they don't even have it as a goal. Shortly after getting out of the hospital and getting NO information on the process or protocols of stroke rehabilitation and recovery I started searching on the internet and found that no other survivor received useful information. This is an attempt to cover all stroke rehabilitation information that should be readily available to survivors so they can talk with informed knowledge to their medical staff. It lays out what needs to be done to get stroke survivors closer to 100% recovery. It's quite disgusting that this information is not available from every stroke association and doctors group.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Humming and Health from Breath HQ

What is your doctor's breathing protocol? Doesn't have one, then you don't have a functioning stroke doctor. Run away. 

What does your doctor think? Should you be doing slow breathing as the book

'Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art' by James Nestor


5 Ways To Improve Your Breathing with James Nestor

Or should you be doing fast breathing in

Creation of nitric oxide via Breath of Fire  February 2014 

And why doesn't your doctor know a damn thing about a breathing protocol?

You doctor has had years to know about this. Are you giving them a pass on being incompetent?

Just in time for the holidays, it’s another e-holler from Breath HQ. Sorry, it’s been a while. We’ve been knee-deep in tours, film stuff, podcast stuff, BBC stuff, and more.

New Year’s Resolution #1: Send out more than two of these e-blasts a year in 2024. We’ll see how that goes. In the meantime, here’s a rundown of what’s been happening… 

Humming and Health

Nitric oxide (NO) is a wondrous molecule that helps dilate blood vessels, kill viruses and bacteria, lower blood pressure, bolster immune function, and so much more.

We produce nitric oxide throughout our bodies; and we also produce a profusion of it in our sinus cavities. When we breathe through the nose we increase nitric oxide in the airway six-fold over mouth breathing. That's a lot. When we hum we increase nitric oxide 15-fold over quiet nasal exhalation. That’s a lot more.

Some of you may already know this. But what you may not know, and what I did not know until recently, was that humming at particular frequencies can release even more nitric oxide in the sinus cavities. The most potent frequency is right around 120 Hertz.

What is 120 Hertz? For the piano-minded, that’s a B2, or, the second lowest B on the keyboard. It’s pretty low. Don’t fret if you can’t hit that low note; anything in the range will do the trick.

See my Instagram post about all this (including a guest appearance by a 70s tuxedoed Glen Campbell).

If you want even more information, check out this exhaustive review on all things endogenous nitric oxide by Mauro Maniscalco M.D. at Karolinska Institutet:

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