Changing stroke rehab and research worldwide now.Time is Brain! trillions and trillions of neurons that DIE each day because there are NO effective hyperacute therapies besides tPA(only 12% effective). I have 523 posts on hyperacute therapy, enough for researchers to spend decades proving them out. These are my personal ideas and blog on stroke rehabilitation and stroke research. Do not attempt any of these without checking with your medical provider. Unless you join me in agitating, when you need these therapies they won't be there.

What this blog is for:

My blog is not to help survivors recover, it is to have the 10 million yearly stroke survivors light fires underneath their doctors, stroke hospitals and stroke researchers to get stroke solved. 100% recovery. The stroke medical world is completely failing at that goal, they don't even have it as a goal. Shortly after getting out of the hospital and getting NO information on the process or protocols of stroke rehabilitation and recovery I started searching on the internet and found that no other survivor received useful information. This is an attempt to cover all stroke rehabilitation information that should be readily available to survivors so they can talk with informed knowledge to their medical staff. It lays out what needs to be done to get stroke survivors closer to 100% recovery. It's quite disgusting that this information is not available from every stroke association and doctors group.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Priorities for Advancements in Neuroimaging in the Diagnostic Workup of Acute Stroke

Why are you working on imaging when that is way too damn slow? TIME IS BRAIN, or don't you realize that?

Do you people not follow stroke research at all and use that to determine the strategy to get to 100% recovery?

Hats off to Helmet of Hope - stroke diagnosis in 30 seconds; February 2017  

New Device Quickly Assesses Brain Bleeding in Head Injuries - 5-10 minutes April 2017

Smart Brain-Wave Cap Recognises Stroke Before the Patient Reaches the Hospital

 October 2023


Put this all together in a protocol and you could save billions of neurons and maybe get stroke patients to walk out of the hospital immediately. 

The latest useless shit here:

Priorities for Advancements in Neuroimaging in the Diagnostic Workup of Acute Stroke

and on behalf of the XIIth Stroke Treatment Academic Industry Roundtable
Originally published 2023;54:3190–3201


STAIR XII (12th Stroke Treatment Academy Industry Roundtable) included a workshop to discuss the priorities for advancements in neuroimaging in the diagnostic workup of acute ischemic stroke. The workshop brought together representatives from academia, industry, and government. The participants identified 10 critical areas of priority for the advancement of acute stroke imaging. These include enhancing imaging capabilities at primary and comprehensive stroke centers, refining the analysis and characterization of clots, establishing imaging criteria that can predict the response to reperfusion, optimizing the Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction scale, predicting first-pass reperfusion outcomes, improving imaging techniques post-reperfusion therapy, detecting early ischemia on noncontrast computed tomography, enhancing cone beam computed tomography, advancing mobile stroke units, and leveraging high-resolution vessel wall imaging to gain deeper insights into pathology. Imaging in acute ischemic stroke treatment has advanced significantly, but important challenges remain that need to be addressed. A combined effort from academic investigators, industry, and regulators is needed to improve imaging technologies and, ultimately, patient outcomes.

During STAIR XII (12th Stroke Treatment Academy Industry Roundtable), international experts from academia, industry, and the US government gathered to share their knowledge and seek consensus on strategies intended to surmount impediments in stroke research. This article focuses on 10 priorities identified for advancing neuroimaging in the diagnostic workup of acute ischemic stroke (Tables 1 and 2).

Table 1. Research Priorities in Imaging and Systems of Care

Current statusRecommendation
Imaging capabilities at primary and comprehensive stroke centersThere is no consensus of the optimal imaging protocol for primary and comprehensive stroke centers.Multimodal imaging is desirable for primary stroke centers and should be a requirement for comprehensive stroke centers.
Clot analysis and characterizationThere is no platform to determine clot characteristics with noninvasive imaging.The development of novel postacquisition processing of noninvasive imaging could potentially determine clot characteristics and improve the effectiveness of EVT.
Imaging criteria that predict response to reperfusionRecent trials have shown the benefit of reperfusion in patients with large core defined as ASPECTS ≤5 or volume between 50 and 100 mL.Further studies are needed to determine the optimal combination of factors to consider in treatment decision-making for patients with large ischemic core.
TICI score in the determination of effective reperfusionTICI scores are subjective and do not always translate into tissue reperfused.Volumetric maps of reperfusion should be generated and validated as potential biomarkers of reperfused brain.
FPE predictionThere is growing evidence that FPE is a good metric to determine the efficacy of endovascular recanalization.AI-derived algorithms that encompass patient-derived data, clot characteristics, and angio-architecture of the target vessel could potentially improve the FPE by recommending specific devices and techniques.
Imaging post-reperfusionThe determination of BBB disruption has a low accuracy and is based on the extravasation of contrast into the parenchyma. Similarly, there is no reliable way to quantify cerebral edema.Newer imaging techniques could potentially identify BBB disruption and characterize cerebral edema. This could guide post-EVT management and be used as a biomarker of neuroprotective therapies.

AI indicates artificial intelligence; ASPECTS, Alberta Stroke Program Early Computed Tomography Score; BBB, blood-brain barrier; EVT, endovascular therapy; FPE, first-pass effect; and TICI, Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction.

Table 2. Optimization of Imaging Technologies

Current statusRecommendation
Detection of early ischemia on NCCTNCCT is not accurate in detecting acute ischemic changes. Moreover, its reproducibility is not optimal.More accurate volumetric and objective measurements of acute ischemia detection should be developed. Continued education of neuroscience trainees to learn how to interpret acute ischemic change is important.
Utility of CBCTCBCT does not accurately determine ASPECTS.New CBCTs should achieve better gray/white matter differentiation for early detection of acute ischemic changes.
Imaging in MSUMSUs have shortened time to thrombolytic with a good safety profile.CT miniaturization would allow its use in smaller ambulances without compromising image resolution.
VWI to understand pathologyIt has been recognized as a useful adjuvant in stroke diagnosis and for treatment decisions. However, VWI is not routinely used in clinical practice.Artificial intelligence–guided VWI protocols can shorten acquisition times and improve workflows to improve its generalized adoption.

ASPECTS indicates Alberta Stroke Program Early Computed Tomography Score; CBCT, cone beam computed tomography; CT, computed tomography; MSU, mobile stroke unit; NCCT, noncontrast brain computed tomography; and VWI, vessel wall imaging.


Imaging Capabilities at Primary and Comprehensive Stroke Centers

In routine acute stroke practice, critical information for decision-making is obtained from imaging. Hemorrhage is differentiated from ischemia using simple anatomic imaging with noncontrast brain computed tomography (NCCT) or fast protocol magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Treatment with intravenous thrombolysis may be initiated based on this imaging only. Endovascular therapy (EVT) requires a target arterial occlusive lesion, and this is demonstrated using noninvasive computed tomography angiography (CTA), magnetic resonance angiography, or, in selected cases, flat-panel dynamic angiography before proceeding to arterial access. Choices of how stroke imaging is implemented in clinical routine vary across the world. The ability to easily acquire CTA and computed tomography perfusion (CTP) imaging, also known as multimodal stroke imaging, on contemporary scanners has made it feasible for most hospitals to perform the initial triage of patients with stroke in the hyperacute stroke setting. Postprocessing advancements have facilitated the rapid interpretation of multimodal imaging of the brain. Several academic and commercial software solutions enable automated large vessel occlusion (LVO) detection and generation within minutes of CTP maps that outline the estimated ischemic core and critically hypoperfused tissue.1 While the use of perfusion imaging is not required by guidelines for thrombolytic treatment decisions within 4.5 hours and thrombectomy decisions within 6 hours, the additional diagnostic and prognostic information can be helpful to support clinical decision-making.2 For instance, when there is uncertainty regarding the diagnosis of stroke, the presence (or absence) of a perfusion deficit that correlates with the clinical symptoms can offer informative evidence to confirm (or exclude) the diagnosis. Routine use of perfusion imaging also creates greater familiarity with the imaging protocol, which expedites stroke workup, reduces technical errors in image acquisition, and improves image interpretation. However, not all the imaging protocols use the same scan parameters or postacquisition processing metrics. The estimation of core and penumbra among different academic and commercially available software may vary. However, when specific thresholds and postprocessing methods are used to compare different postacquisition software, a high agreement could be reached. After controlling for these confounding factors, Pisani et al3 showed substantial agreement between perfusion parametric maps of 3 commonly used commercial software packages in a cohort of 242 patients. However, to decide whether a patient who presents with stroke symptoms within 4.5 hours of last known well is eligible for intravenous thrombolysis, an NCCT to rule out intracerebral hemorrhage and assess the severity of early ischemic injury suffices.4 Routine neurovascular imaging with CTA or magnetic resonance angiography is advised to determine eligibility for EVT in the early (<6 hours) and late (6–24 hours) time windows and provide information on potential causes of stroke.2,5–7 Current guidelines recommend the acquisition of imaging to determine the presence of penumbra in patients who present in the late time window and who may benefit from EVT. However, these recommendations may change based on the results of recently completed and ongoing large core studies.8–10

The routine use of multimodal imaging offers additional advantages in stroke research based on a survey of the workshop participants. For example, at comprehensive stroke centers, the routine use of multimodal imaging is recommended to facilitate endovascular stroke research aimed at refining EVT eligibility criteria (eg, patients with medium vessel occlusions or low National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale scores). Similarly, the recently completed TIMELESS study (Tenecteplase in Stroke Patients Between 4.5 and 24 Hours) used multimodal imaging to select patients for intravenous tenecteplase at both primary and comprehensive stroke centers in the late time window.11 The low proportion of patients enrolled in TIMELESS at primary stroke centers (5% of the study population) highlights the need to increase the number of primary stroke centers that are familiar with multimodal imaging and that have the infrastructure to conduct clinical stroke trials. Multimodal imaging at primary stroke centers may also benefit trials of brain cytoprotective therapy. Patients transferred from primary to comprehensive stroke centers for EVT are likely ideal candidates for cytoprotective trials. Multimodal imaging may help identify those transfer patients who are the most at risk of rapid expansion of their ischemic core and are, therefore, the most likely to benefit from cytoprotection.12

Clot Analysis and Characterization

Thrombus characterization on pre-EVT imaging has been suggested as a prognostic marker of case complexity, first-pass effect (FPE), and clinical outcome.13 Thrombi vary in composition and morphology, resulting in a wide range of thrombus sizes, shapes, cohesion, permeability, and textures. Such thrombus characteristics might be used to guide EVT decisions and device selection and enable further improvement of procedural and functional outcomes.

Radiomics is a method that aims to quantify the phenotypic characteristics of medical imaging using automated algorithms. Image data are processed by many automatically extracted data-characterization algorithms, referred to as radiomic features (RFs). Radiomics was pioneered in oncology for tumor phenotyping and, more recently, has been applied to stroke imaging.14 Standard-of-care images such as NCCTs and CTAs can be transformed with radiomics into quantitative image-based data to enable bioinformatics and artificial intelligence (AI) analyses. This requires segmentation of the NCCT and CTA to determine the thrombi boundaries before data extraction.15 Thrombus radiomics have been used to predict successful reperfusion, the number of EVT passes, and functional outcomes.16 A recent analysis of the MR CLEAN registry performed manual segmentations and measurements of thrombi using a 3-dimensional imaging software.17 Larger volume thrombi were associated with a lower probability of functional independence defined as a modified Rankin Scale score ≤2 (odds ratio [OR], 0.78 [95% CI, 0.64–0.96]) and a higher number of retrieval attempts (OR, 0.16 [95% CI, 0.04–0.28]).18 A recent study by Santo et al19 identified RFs correlated with micro-computed tomography (CT) imaging and histopathologic samples. RFs computed from NCCT and CTA demonstrated significant association with red blood cells and fibrin-platelet components. Phenotyping clot composition by RFs could potentially guide treatment decisions such as the choice of EVT device or choice of thrombolytic agent and could determine stroke etiology. The STAIR work group encourages further research into the use of RFs and other imaging modalities for detailed clot characterization.

Imaging Criteria That Predict Response to Reperfusion

Early trials of thrombectomy failed to demonstrate a clinical benefit. An important contributing factor was the absence of imaging selection criteria to enrich the trial population with patients who were the most likely to benefit from treatment. For example, post hoc analysis of the IMS-3 trial (Interventional Management of Stroke Trial 3) showed that a positive result favoring thrombectomy would likely have been observed if the trial had been limited to patients with evidence of an LVO on baseline imaging.20 Subsequent trials that took this approach and limited inclusion to patients with an LVO showed a substantial benefit from EVT.21–25 As had previously been observed in trials of intravenous thrombolytics, the treatment effect of EVT diminishes with longer onset-to-treatment times. More recently, trials with penumbral selection criteria have demonstrated that patients with evidence of salvageable tissue on CT or MRI benefit from EVT and intravenous thrombolytics even in the late time window.26,27 Taken together, these trials have demonstrated the power of vascular and perfusion imaging to identify patients who are likely to benefit from reperfusion therapy. Specifically, patients whose baseline imaging indicates the presence of an LVO involving the internal carotid artery or middle cerebral artery M1 segment, a small ischemic core, and a substantial territory of salvageable brain tissue. Patients with these characteristics are more likely to benefit from reperfusion therapy. These criteria have been endorsed in international guidelines.7 What remains unanswered is which patients who do not meet the penumbral selection criteria of these trials are nevertheless likely to benefit from reperfusion. Recently published trials of EVT in patients with large cores have tried to address this issue.28–30 These trials suggest that patients with low Alberta Stroke Program Early Computed Tomography Score (ASPECTS; ranging from 3 to 5) or large cores on CTP or MRI (≥50 mL) may benefit from reperfusion. The number needed to treat for benefit, however, is larger when stricter penumbral selection criteria are applied. In the SELECT2 trial (Randomized Controlled Trial to Optimize Patient’s Selection for Endovascular Treatment in Acute Ischemic Stroke) there was no clear upper limit to the core volume associated with thrombectomy benefit in ordinal analysis of modified Rankin Scale.10 However, the proportion of patients achieving modified Rankin Scale score of 0 to 2 or 0 to 3 was low in individuals with large core volumes. The core volume remained strongly prognostic but likely needs to be considered alongside other factors including core location, patient comorbidities and frailty, and patient preferences around acceptable levels of disability. The core and penumbral threshold volumes that determine whether a patient is likely to benefit from EVT remain unknown and most likely would have to be tailored for each patient.

Workshop participants recognized the importance of understanding the potential combinations of factors that may cause EVT to be futile or even detrimental. A recent subanalysis of RESCUE-Japan LIMIT (Recovery by Endovascular Salvage for Cerebral Ultra-Acute Embolism-Japan Large Ischemic Core Trial) compared outcomes of patients with ASPECTS ≤3 versus 4 and 5. EVT was not associated with improved functional outcome at 90 days in patient with ASPECTS ≤3. Moreover, this group had a higher incidence of symptomatic ICH.31 The median ischemic core in the ASPECTS ≤3 group was 126 cm3, versus 89 cm3 in the ASPECTS 4 to 5 group (P<0.001). It should be noted that RESCUE-Japan LIMIT was primarily an MRI selection study in which ASPECTS was assessed on diffusion-weighted imaging in 86.1% of the cohort. This approach yields, on average, ASPECTS that are 1 point lower than ASPECTS measured by NCCT.32

Individual patient data meta-analysis may further provide data on the potential benefit of EVT in patients with large cores and without the presence of a salvageable penumbra on baseline imaging.

Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction Score in the Determination of Effective Reperfusion

The Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction (TICI) scale is a widely used scoring system to evaluate the degree of reperfusion achieved after mechanical thrombectomy. The TICI scale was originally proposed in a position statement that attempted to standardize clinical trial design and reporting for intra-arterial therapy.33 The TICI grading system is divided in 3 grades, 0 corresponds to no perfusion and 3 to complete perfusion, with antegrade flow into the bed distal to the obstruction.33 Grade 2 can be divided into partial filling with less than two-thirds of the entire vascular territory (2a) or complete filling of all the expected vascular territory, but the filling is slower than normal (2b).34 Studies have demonstrated that a detailed 6-step grading scale is more accurate in determining clinical outcomes than the standard TICI grading system.35 The inclusion of a TICI score 2c to label patients with near-complete reperfusion, except for slow flow in 1 or 2 distal cortical vessels or the presence of minor distal emboli, provides a more granular assessment of reperfusion than the standard TICI scoring system.36 The HERMES (Highly Effective Reperfusion evaluated in Multiple Endovascular Stroke Trials) group core laboratory introduced an expanded TICI (eTICI), encompassing all the various thresholds used to define reperfusion after EVT.37 The eTICI system further refines grade 2 into distinct percentages of perfusion. Specifically, eTICI score 2a denotes reperfusion in less than half or 1% to 49% of the affected territory; eTICI score 2b, 50 indicated 50% to 66% reperfusion; eTICI score 2b, 67 represents 67% to 89% reperfusion, eTICI score 2c is equivalent to TICI score 2C or 90% to 99% reperfusion; and eTICI score 3 denotes complete or 100% reperfusion, akin to TICI score 3. Despite these improvements in defining reperfusion, TICI-based systems of determining effective reperfusion are highly subjective and may not reflect restoration of blood flow in microcirculatory vessels. Moreover, TICI assessments by visual inspection are prone to error, as they may be affected by the experience level of the rater, operator bias, and field of view. TICI scores are generally overestimated by operators during EVT compared with core laboratory raters.38 The inclusion of finer scales and AI-based automated protocols can potentially provide a better assessment of reperfusion and may be a better prognostic tool than coarser scales. A study by Prasetya et al39 used a semiautomated platform for the segmentation of the downstream vascular territory of the occluded vessel. Quantified TICI was defined as the percentage of reperfused area in the target downstream territory. The determination of reperfusion with quantified TICI was comparable with eTICI and performed similarly in predicting favorable outcome. A study by Su et al40 used convolutional neural networks to generate a fully automatic and quantitative perfusion-based TICI score. This auto TICI performed on par with human experts. On the MR CLEAN (The Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial of Endovascular Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke in the Netherlands) registry, there was a statistically significant association between auto TICI and eTICI, and both accurately predicted functional outcome.40

The STAIR work group recommends the development and implementation of automated perfusion scores in assessing flow to the downstream target territory. Automating these scores will eliminate subjectivity, improve standardization, and facilitate comparison among studies. Granular automated data would ultimately be used for the estimation of reperfusion of eloquent territories.

FPE Prediction

The FPE concept entails achieving near-complete or complete revascularization of the occluded large vessel and its downstream territory (modified TICI score 2c/3) through a single revascularization attempt without the need for rescue therapy.41 FPE is associated with better clinical outcomes, lower mortality, and fewer procedural adverse events.41 As a result, FPE has been proposed as a potential benchmark to assess the technical efficacy of EVT techniques and devices and as a potential surrogate measure for their clinical efficacy. The analysis of a cohort of 930 patients demonstrated that FPE could be achieved in 40.5% of patients.42 This study reported 2 variables as independent predictors of FPE: non-internal carotid artery occlusion and the use of a balloon guide catheter for EVT. Achievement of FPE may be a function of 3 interrelated factors: patient-related variables, occlusion characteristics, and procedural factors. Patient-related predictors include age and stroke etiology.43 Occlusion-related predictors are associated with the occlusion’s location, the clot’s characteristics, and the angio-architecture of the target occlusion. Device- and technique-related variables include using balloon guide catheters,43,44 the device length in case of stent retrievers,45 and bore size of the aspiration catheter in case of contact aspiration devices.46 The analysis of the MR CLEAN Registry showed that history of hyperlipidemia (OR, 1.05 [95% CI, 1.01–1.10]), middle cerebral artery occlusion versus intracranial internal carotid artery occlusion (OR, 1.11 [95% CI, 1.06–1.16]), and aspiration versus stent thrombectomy (OR, 1.07 [95% CI, 1.03–1.11]) were associated with FPE.47 Neurointerventionalist experience increased the likelihood of FPR (OR, 1.03 per 50 patients previously treated [95% CI, 1.01–1.06]). Therefore, the technical acumen of the neurointerventionalist is also an important factor in FPE.

Whether FPE can be used as a valid surrogate end point in EVT trials remains to be determined. Although, the latest advancements in AI have opened opportunities for the integration of machine learning in determining FPE,16 considerable validation effort remains to be done. Notably, the assessment of clot characteristics through NCCT and CTA has been leveraged to predict the ease of clot extraction with variable success.48,49 Other AI-based models that account for patient-specific characteristics, clot information derived from noninvasive imaging, and the angio-architecture of the target artery have the potential to assist in technique and device selection, which may improve FPE. The workshop participants support the study and validation of FPE as a benchmark to assess the effectiveness of EVT in stroke studies.

Imaging Post-Reperfusion Therapy

Brain imaging after EVT may help determine prognosis and adjuvant treatment. Perfusion imaging obtained after reperfusion therapy (medical therapy or EVT) can quantify the quality of macrovascular and microvascular reperfusion, blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption, infarct evolution, and edema status. A study of CTP post-EVT determined the presence of hypoperfused brain tissue (time-to-maximum, >6 s) within 30 minutes of mechanical thrombectomy in most patients who achieved complete or angiographic reperfusion (modified TICI score, 2a–3).50 Even among patients who were deemed to have achieved complete angiographic reperfusion (modified TICI score, 3), 42.5% demonstrated areas of cerebral hypoperfusion on post-thrombectomy perfusion imaging. Achieving recanalization after the first pass was associated with smaller volumes of hypoperfused tissue on post-EVT CTP, supporting the clinical benefit of first-pass recanalization. A hypoperfusion volume <3.5 mL was independently associated with dramatic clinical recovery (OR, 4.1 [95% CI, 2.0–8.3]; P<0.01). Despite the profound effect of effective EVT on long-term functional outcome, a reduced infarct volume only accounts for ≈12% of the treatment effect of EVT.51,52 Thus, novel post-EVT imaging metrics may provide a better prediction of long-term outcome and identify opportunities for adjuvant therapy.

The status of the BBB can be assessed with brain MRI or NCCT. Disruption of the BBB due to ischemia can be seen as delayed gadolinium enhancement of cerebrospinal fluid spaces (sulci) on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery imaging.53 This phenomenon has been named hyperintense acute reperfusion marker.54 Hyperintense acute reperfusion marker has been associated with hemorrhagic transformation and worse clinical outcomes. On a postprocedural NCCT, disruption of the BBB can be seen as parenchymal hyperdensity.55 The hyperdensity on NCCT likely represents extravasation of contrast medium into the extracellular spaces because of increased permeability of the BBB. This hyperdensity may be differentiated from the hyperdensity caused by hemorrhage, based on its selective localization in the gray matter (cortex or basal ganglia) and the absence or near-absence of mass effect on adjacent structures. Dual energy CT can be used to confirm this through iodine subtraction. A recent study identified BBB disruption in 58.2% (95% CI, 51.4%–64.9%) of patients who underwent EVT.56 Patients with BBB disruption had lower rates of early major neurological improvement (8.6% versus 31.5%; P<0.001), favorable outcome (39.8% versus 61.8%; P=0.002), and higher rates of 90-day mortality (34.4% versus 14.6%; P=0.001), and hemorrhagic complications (42.2% versus 8.7%; P<0.001) than those without BBB disruption. Ng et al assessed BBB disruption on a 24-hour postprocedure MRI. The study analyzed the associations between microvascular dysfunction in BBB disruption with ICH occurrence and edema formation in 238 patients.57 Interestingly, BBB permeability was associated with worse outcomes and increased cerebral edema. The quantification of the degree and extent of BBB disruption and cerebral edema may be used to set blood pressure parameters, consider the intravenous infusion of hypertonic saline, or perform hemicraniectomy.

Another phenomenon that commonly can be observed on postthrombectomy perfusion imaging is an increase in relative cerebral blood flow in tissue that was ischemic. Postischemic reactive hyperemia causes an ≈57% increase in relative cerebral blood flow of the recanalized vascular territory that can last for a week after EVT.58 This phenomenon may be related to the loss of cerebral autoregulation or hypermetabolism. An accurate quantification of hyperemia may be used in quantifying the response to cytoprotective agents. Disruption of the BBB coupled with hyperemia can lead to brain parenchyma edema, another phenomenon that can be observed on post-EVT imaging.59

The workshop participants emphasized the need to quantify BBB disruption and characterize cerebral edema to optimize post-EVT management and to measure the potential benefit of new cytoprotective treatments. Furthermore, there is a need for post-EVT imaging biomarkers of functional outcome.


Detection of Early Ischemia on NCCT

Detection of early ischemia on NCCT is notoriously difficult. Highly trained readers have achieved a sensitivity of 43% to 71% in detecting early stroke (3–6 hours) with NCCT, compared with 97% with diffusion-weighted imaging.60 The ASPECTS was developed to simplify and standardize the rating of early ischemia on NCCT. The ASPECTS rating is based on a binary interpretation of 10 regions within the middle cerebral artery territory. For each region, the rater determines the presence or absence of hypoattenuation. At the extremes, patients with no hypoattenuation score a 10 on the ASPECTS, whereas patients with extensive early ischemia, involving all 10 regions, score a zero. ASPECTS has been used extensively in clinical practice to triage patients with acute ischemic stroke for acute treatment, and several trials have used ASPECTS in the selection of patients for EVT. For example, almost all endovascular trials that first demonstrated the efficacy of EVT excluded patients with low (≤5) ASPECTS. In contrast, some recent trials that aimed to assess the effect of EVT in patients with large ischemic cores have recruited patients with low ASPECTS (3–5).28,61 While ASPECTS has helped standardize the rating of early ischemic changes on NCCT, the interpretation of ASPECTS is variable, even between experts.62,63 Key factors that contribute to the interrater variability in ASPECTS are the subtle nature of early ischemic changes on the NCCT, the lack of clearly defined boundaries of the 10 ASPECTS regions, and variation in the proportion of a region that is required to be abnormal to deduct a point.64 Another limitation of ASPECTS is that the degree of hypoattenuation—a feature that might correlate with the reversibility of ischemic changes—is not captured in the score. Further, the ASPECTS regions differ in volume, and, therefore, the ischemic core volume for a given ASPECTS can vary markedly.

The workshop participants identified the need for a reproducible volumetric method to describe the extent of early ischemic changes on NCCT. Commercially available software programs already exist for the automated qualitative evaluation of ASPECTS.65,66 Bouslama et al67 reported that automated NCCT performs similarly to CTP in assessing postreperfusion final infarct volume. Recent data suggest that machine-learning NCCT estimated ischemic core is more accurate when obtained beyond 1 hour from stroke onset.68 Furthermore, automated NCCT software can select patients with low likelihood of achieving a good outcome (eg, ≥70 mL core at baseline) and who may not benefit from a transfer to a comprehensive stroke center for EVT.69 While these programs reduce interrater variability, they do not address the need for a quantitative volumetric measure of early ischemia. New approaches can overcome this limitation. One method is the generation of relative NCCT maps using the hemisphere contralateral to the lesion as a reference. Hypodense brain tissue can be segmented based on its appearance, which can be measured in relative (eg, >5% attenuation of the CT signal) or absolute (eg, attenuation of >5 Hounsfield units of the CT signal) values. In addition to determining the location and volume of the early ischemic changes, the relative NCCT map can visualize the degree of hypoattenuation.70 Another approach to quantify the degree of hypoattenuation on NCCT is the determination of net water uptake.71,72 Broocks et al showed in a cohort of 254 patients that patients with low ASPECTS had elevated net water uptake and that the degree of net water uptake increased over time while ASPECTS did not change.73

AI may help to overcome the limited accuracy of early stroke detection on NCCT. Early ischemic changes can be automatically detected using deep learning models.74 AI-assisted stroke detection could also be advantageous in telemedicine approaches supporting nonprimary stroke centers and could even be performed on mobile stroke units (MSUs), thus potentially increasing access to reperfusion treatments and reducing time to treatment. AI is currently being extensively tested regarding its performance in early stroke detection. An AI model outperformed expert readers in detecting early ischemic changes on NCCT in a recent study,75 and a systematic review including 11 studies and 1976 cases revealed that AI-based ASPECTS performed similar or better than radiologists in identifying early stroke changes on NCCT.76 Moreover, AI-based NCCT-ASPECTS was reported as good or better as human rating for posterior circulation stroke.77 However, the accuracy and reliability of AI- and human-based NCCT-ASPECTS depends on time from stroke onset to imaging and is lower in hyperacute stroke and fast stroke progressors.78 Although AI-driven diagnostic processing is usually faster, it is not always superior to human rating, with AI showing less sensitivity in detecting LVO in CT angiography.79 Implications of NCCT-ASPECTS using AI are unclear, AI may be used best under study protocols or under the supervision of human expert raters until proven clearly superior in a clinical setting. AI-assisted stroke diagnosis is feasible for all stroke imaging modalities, and the continuous evolvement of AI-based approaches is expected to result in significant performance improvements and wider applicability in stroke diagnosis.

Utility of Cone Beam Computed Tomography

Cone beam CT (CBCT) imaging assessment of acute ischemic stroke patients with LVO in the angiography suite may improve stroke workflow and decrease time to recanalization. There are several advantages in obtaining a CBCT before EVT. Protocols that include the direct transfer to the angio suite for EVT rely on CBCT to exclude hemorrhage and estimate the degree of early ischemic injury. The direct-to-angio approach may reduce time to treatment and functional outcomes.80 In the ANGIOCAT trial (Direct to Angiography Suite Without Stopping for Computed Tomography Imaging for Patients With Acute Stroke), CBCT was performed to exclude ICH or large established ischemic lesions that would contraindicate EVT.81 The study suggested better clinical outcomes in patients who were transferred directly to the angio suite and who were imaged with CBCT compared with patients who underwent a conventional NCCT before going to the angiography suite. Improvements in clinical outcomes may have resulted from increased rates of successful EVT and shorter door-to-puncture times in the CBCT group. The higher rate of EVT in the CBCT group is likely the result of less stringent selection because CBCT imaging provides a less thorough parenchymal assessment than conventional NCCT imaging.

Compared with NCCT, CBCT imaging suffers from poorer delineation of the brain parenchyma and worse signal to noise, which limits ischemia delineation.82 However, the new generation of CBCT exhibits better gray-white differentiation due to the high dynamic range flat detector, enabling 4 times more gray value differentiation, approaching the contrast resolution of conventional NCCT. Furthermore, the latest generation of x ray tubes enables better penetration during the acquisition, especially in larger sized patients. In addition, it provides sharper images in all viewing directions. A study by Leyhe et al reported detection of ischemic lesions was feasible on CBCT scans with 71% sensitivity and 94% specificity (P<0.001; area under the curve, 0.83 [95% CI, 0.74–0.89]) compared with NCCT scans. Additionally, ASPECTS ratings on CBCT showed a mean difference of only 0.5 points (95% CI, 0.12–0.88) in the Bland-Altman plot compared with ratings of NCCT images.83 Another study that compared the latest CBCT technology with NCCT showed that early ischemic lesions were detected with a sensitivity of 73.3% and specificity of 94.7%, when compared with NCCT.84 Further refinements in the x ray tube trajectory to include caudal and cranial angulations have decreased artifacts.85 Novel motion correction algorithms to improve imaging quality and diagnostic assessment of the brain parenchyma have been implemented.86 Despite these advances, delineating gray-white matter differentiation and the visualization of infratentorial structures remains a limiting factor of CBCT. The workshop emphasized the need for collaboration between academia and industry to accelerate the development of high-definition CBCT. This advanced imaging technology holds significant promise and was recognized as a key area for focused efforts.

Imaging in MSUs

An MSU was first implemented in 2008 in Germany, with the goal of prehospital care optimization.87 MSUs are equipped with a CT scanner that can obtain an NCCT and a CTA. An MSU can triage patients and initiate thrombolytics. The first MSU trial conducted in Germany demonstrated shorter treatment times to intravenous thrombolysis (72 versus 153 minutes; P=0.001). Approximately 57% of patients were treated with thrombolysis within 1 hour as compared with 4% of patients treated with standard management.88 The benefits of MSU in screening, triaging, and treating patients with thrombolysis have been confirmed by several studies.89,90 The BEST-MSU study (Benefits of Stroke Treatment Delivered by a Mobile Stroke Unit Compared With Standard Management by Emergency Medical Services) confirmed the shorter administration of thrombolysis in patients screened and treated at an MSU versus conventional emergency medical services (72 versus 108 minutes, respectively; P<0.001).91 MSU management also resulted in significantly less disability at 90 days compared with conventional treatment (mean utility-weighted modified Rankin Scale score, 0.72 versus 0.66; P=0.002).

The workshop participants noted that MSUs are a positive addition to treating patients with AIS. However, technological and reimbursement challenges must be overcome to make this technology operational. In addition to the current uses of the MSU, the participants believed that in the field, imaging of patients with acute stroke could facilitate cytoprotective studies. However, some technical developments are desired. Most MSUs utilize a portable 8-slice CT scanner that can complete an NCCT of the brain and a CTA.92 Perfusion is limited to 1-cm slab, which is unlikely to be clinically useful. CT scanners that allow for imaging of aortic arch and neck vessels are larger and, therefore, cannot be housed in a standard 12-foot ambulance. Workshop participants agree that further improvements in CT scanner miniaturization, while not compromising image resolution, are needed. Similarly, optimizing the quality and capability of mobile MRI scanners is encouraged. Portable low-field MRI scanners are already in use at some hospitals, but the inability to acquire good-quality and rapid diffusion-weighted imaging scans is a limiting factor in the evaluation of stroke.93 Finally, developing other technology for ischemic stroke identification, hemorrhagic stroke exclusion, and large vessel occlusion detection in the field is similarly encouraged.

Vessel Wall Imaging to Understand Pathology

Vascular pathology, such as cervical or intracranial atherosclerosis, is one of the most common causes of ischemic stroke worldwide. Historically, the imaging evaluation of atherosclerosis has focused on the assessment of the degree of luminal narrowing because more severe narrowing is associated with an increased risk of ischemic stroke.94,95 However, 30% to 40% of patients who experience an ischemic stroke do not have a clearly identifiable etiology for their stroke,96 and nonflow limiting atherosclerosis or other arterial vascular abnormalities may be the culprit in many of these patients.97–100 The use of vessel wall imaging on 3T high-resolution MRI is increasingly used to characterize stroke etiology.101 In 1 study, vessel wall imaging identified the probable cause of a patient’s stroke in 55% of cases, primarily by enhancing the detection of intracranial atherosclerotic disease.102 Similar studies have used high-resolution vessel wall imaging to identify the presence of underlying atherosclerosis and culprit plaques in patients previously deemed to have a cryptogenic stroke.98 These data suggest that high-resolution MRI and vessel wall imaging may add diagnostic value in patients with ischemic stroke, but the adoption of these techniques has been relatively modest.

During the workshop, participants highlighted that lengthy acquisition times for vessel wall imaging have hindered its widespread adoption. They emphasized the importance of advancements in technology to shorten acquisition times. Additionally, the workshop underscored the necessity for high-quality prospective studies aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of vessel wall imaging in characterizing intracranial atherosclerotic disease and other vasculopathies. By conducting such studies, we can enhance our knowledge and improve the utility of vessel wall imaging in clinical practice. Finally, clinical studies need to establish whether these imaging approaches have a utility in assessing patient response to statins and antiplatelet medications.


The participants in the neuroimaging workshop of STAIR XII have identified 10 key areas of imaging that hold great promise in enhancing stroke outcomes. The development of novel imaging techniques and AI-based protocols aimed at early stroke detection through noninvasive imaging, identification of BBB damage following a stroke, characterization of clots before reperfusion, and vessel wall imaging for determining stroke etiology has garnered significant interest. Moreover, the implementation of newer CBCTs and MSUs could greatly enhance the workflow of LVO treatment. The workshop participants agreed on the importance of a collaborative effort involving investigators, industry, and regulators to advance imaging research and ultimately improve patient outcomes.

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