Big fucking whoopee.
Thank you for being a generous and active member of our community.
Each year, we work tirelessly to meet your growing and changing needs. In 32
years, we’ve made great progress in improving the lives of stroke survivors and
caregivers and creating greater awareness for stroke. But we know you want us to do more:
We need your help to make these goals a reality! By making a gift to the National Stroke
Association today, you will help us continue our life-saving and life-improving
work in communities across the U.S.
Because of
your support, our programs are making a difference. For example:
through our Stroke Recovery Navigator℠ program, we’ve proven the value of having
a one-on-one relationship with a trained navigator for survivors once they
return home from the hospital. Your gifts
allow this program, and many others, to expand into its next
phase and reach more survivors.
stand with us today by making a gift. Together, we will take the next step
in moving the needle for stroke survivors and their families.
Thank you again for your continued support, it means so much!
With thanks,
Robyn Moore
CEO Robyn, Why haven't you contacted me yet? I'm positive at least some of your staff knows about their greatest critic. Are you afraid of a simple minded stroke addled survivor? |
I just looked at NSA financials. In 2014 & 2015 they gathered about $3.3 million in donations each year. Most was spent on education & awareness. 10% went to internal salaries. Nothing went to research or efforts to actually fix anything.
ReplyDeleteI suppose there is need for this, but is there any organization out there doing anything to solve problems of stroke?
I signed up for updates and they seem to be doing a good job getting after Parkinson's Disease.
Michael J Fox at least does research. This is so easy to solve, foundations would gladly supply money for a decent strategy with defined research goals. Survivors would put up lots of money for neuroplasticity and neurogenesis repeatability.