In this case I believe that almost all of the problems in stroke can be solved, contrary to the thousands of stroke medical professionals that seem to have given up. That doesn't necessarily mean I'm smarter, I just don't give up after setbacks. And this stroke was a huge fucking setback. Stroke should be able to have the same success rate as most normal hospital procedures. Because it doesn't is a huge failure and indictment of your stroke medical professionals.
Rant completed. I feel somewhat better now. Still no contact from any stroke medical professional telling me to eat shit and explaining why I'm wrong about everything. I think they are scared to talk to poor stroke-addled me. Throwing that damn gauntlet down. Think the 'Court Jester' scene with Danny Kaye, except it would be Danny Kaye(the Jester) throwing the gauntlet at the feet of Sir Griswold.
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