And I bet not one useful piece of stroke rehabilitation will come out of it. They won't even discuss all the problems in stroke needing fixing. Pretty much a worthless conference for stroke survivors.
RAI Amsterdam will host Europe’s largest medical conference
The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) is proud to announce that
its annual congress will be held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 29
August – 2 September 2020. As the world’s premier cardiovascular
conference, ESC Congress attracts more than 30,000 medical professionals
and over 4,000 of the latest scientific studies.
“ESC Congress 2013 was held in Amsterdam and will be remembered as
one of the most exciting ESC events.” said Isabel Bardinet, Chief
Executive Officer of the ESC. “At the time, we received enthusiastic
reviews from delegates about the record number of Hot Lines, scientific
sessions and new formats which allowed more delegate interaction than
ever before. We now look forward to even greater success in this major
European venue.”
RAI Amsterdam has demonstrated that they can seamlessly manage over
30,000 professionals whilst providing international connections, a
high-quality transport infrastructure, comprehensive logistics planning,
modern event-support facilities, high-speed communication and IT
networks and quality hotel accommodations.
Maurits van der Sluis, Chief Operating Officer of RAI Amsterdam,
said, “We are very honoured and proud that the ESC Congress is coming
back to Amsterdam. The destination team here understands the impact of
Europe’s largest medical meeting and is highly committed to making ESC
2020 a resounding success. We thank the strong cooperation between
Amsterdam’s local government and its business and service sectors in the
selection process, demonstrating a clear ambition to become the
European ‘City of Meetings’, for bringing up this opportunity.”
Frans van der Avert, CEO Amsterdam Marketing, added, “Amsterdam
proudly facilitates over 2,500 conventions annually, of which a large
number contribute to the scientific reputation of Amsterdam. We are
delighted to welcome ESC Congress back to Amsterdam in 2020 as a great
example of international knowledge sharing at the highest level.”
Use the labels in the right column to find what you want. Or you can go thru them one by one, there are only 29,916 posts. Searching is done in the search box in upper left corner. I blog on anything to do with stroke. DO NOT DO ANYTHING SUGGESTED HERE AS I AM NOT MEDICALLY TRAINED, YOUR DOCTOR IS, LISTEN TO THEM. BUT I BET THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO GET YOU 100% RECOVERED. I DON'T EITHER BUT HAVE PLENTY OF QUESTIONS FOR YOUR DOCTOR TO ANSWER.
Changing stroke rehab and research worldwide now.Time is Brain! trillions and trillions of neurons that DIE each day because there are NO effective hyperacute therapies besides tPA(only 12% effective). I have 523 posts on hyperacute therapy, enough for researchers to spend decades proving them out. These are my personal ideas and blog on stroke rehabilitation and stroke research. Do not attempt any of these without checking with your medical provider. Unless you join me in agitating, when you need these therapies they won't be there.
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