I couldn't find any stroke standards at the CARF website - http://www.carf.org/home/
so with nothing public, this is completely fucking worthless. Because if
this is all just doing processes with no measurement of results, then
Notice how useless this is; measuring 'care' rather than results.
Three measurements will tell me if the stroke hospital is possibly not completely incompetent; DO YOU MEASURE ANYTHING? I would start cleaning the hospital by firing the board of directors, you can't let incompetency continue for years at a time.
Business 101: If you don't measure it it is not important, so obviously stroke results are not important.
“What's measured, improves.” So said management legend and author Peter F. Drucker
There is no quality here if you don't measure the right things.
tPA full recovery? Better than 12%?
30 day deaths? Better than competitors?
rehab full recovery? Better than 10%?
rehab full recovery? Better than 10%?
You'll want to know results so call that hospital president(Whoever that is) RESULTS are; tPA efficacy, 30 day deaths, 100% recovery. Because there is no point in going to that hospital if they are not willing to publish results.
The latest invalid chest thumping here:
Thibodaux Regional Rehabilitation Center Earns highest level of accreditation that can be given to an organization
Thibodaux Regional Health System announces that its Rehabilitation Center has been re-accredited by CARF International for a period of three years for its Inpatient Rehabilitation services.
This latest accreditation is the 11th consecutive three-year accreditation that the international accrediting body has awarded to the Center.
Additionally, Thibodaux Regional Rehabilitation Center’s Stroke Specialty program has been re-accredited for a three year period. These achievements are an indication of the Rehabilitation Center’s dedication and commitment to improving the quality of the lives of the people receiving rehabilitation services.
This accreditation decision represents the highest level of accreditation that can be given to an organization and shows the organization’s substantial conformance to the CARF standards. An organization receiving a Three-Year Accreditation has put itself through a rigorous peer review process. Thibodaux Regional Rehabilitation Center has demonstrated to a team of surveyors its commitment to offering programs and services that are measurable, accountable, and of the highest quality.
CARF is an independent, nonprofit accrediting body whose
mission is to promote the quality, value, and optimal outcomes of services through a consultative accreditation process and continuous improvement services that center on enhancing the lives of the persons served. Founded in 1966 as the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities, and now known as CARF International, the accrediting body establishes consumer-focused standards to help organizations measure and improve the quality of their programs and services. For more information about the accreditation process, please visit the CARF website at www.carf.org.
Thibodaux Regional Rehabilitation Center addresses physical and medical issues, difficulties with activities of daily living, and specialized problems with feeding, communication, attention and self-care in patients with stroke, brain injury, multiple trauma, joint replacement, amputation, neurological disorders and orthopedic impairments. The Center’s primary mission is to assist individuals in maximizing their functional level as well as enhancing quality of life. Thibodaux Regional Rehabilitation Center has been providing quality inpatient rehabilitation services since 1991.
Ditto Dean,,,,,Hope they don't break an arm while patting themselves on their back.