
Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) is a crucial protein that plays a vital role in the development, survival, and plasticity of neurons in the central nervous system1. It is involved in various neurobiological processes, including neuronal growth, differentiation, and synaptic plasticity2. BDNF is widely expressed in the brain, and its dysregulation has been implicated in the pathophysiology of numerous neurological and psychiatric disorders, such as depression, Alzheimer's disease, and substance use disorders2,3.

Alcohol consumption is a prevalent and culturally accepted practice in numerous societies4. It has been extensively studied for its detrimental effects on various organ systems, including the brain5. Chronic and excessive alcohol consumption is associated with a range of neurocognitive deficits, neurodegeneration, and increased vulnerability to psychiatric disorders6.Recent research has focused on elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying alcohol's impact on brain function, with an increasing interest in its effects on BDNF7.

The association between alcohol consumption and BDNF levels has gained substantial attention due to its potential implications for understanding the neurobiological effects of alcohol on brain health8. Preclinical studies have demonstrated that alcohol exposure can modulate BDNF expression, leading to alterations in neuronal plasticity and impairments in cognitive functions8,9. Additionally, clinical studies have provided evidence of BDNF dysregulation in individuals with alcohol use disorders, further highlighting the importance of investigating the relationship between alcohol and BDNF levels10.

However, the existing literature on the effect of alcohol on BDNF blood levels is characterized by inconsistent findings, which may be attributed to variations in study design, participant characteristics, alcohol consumption patterns, and BDNF measurement methods. Therefore, this study aims to synthesize the current literature on the effect of alcohol consumption on BDNF blood levels through a rigorous and comprehensive analysis.

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