This is the whole problem in stroke enumerated in one word; 'care'; NOT RECOVERY!
YOU have to get involved and change this failure mindset of 'care' to 100% RECOVERY! Survivors want RECOVERY, NOT 'CARE'!
ASK SURVIVORS WHAT THEY WANT, THEY'LL NEVER RESPOND 'CARE'! This tyranny of low expectations has to be completely rooted out of any stroke conversation!
Revisiting usual care in stroke rehabilitation: A meta-analytic perspective
limb rehabilitation for stroke patients has long been a key focus and
challenge in post-stroke rehabilitation. The recovery of upper limb
function not only directly affects patients' ability to perform
activities of daily living but also influences the allocation of medical
resources and the demands of family caregiving. Therefore, we read with
great interest the review titled ‘Upper-extremity motor recovery after
stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis of usual care(NOT RECOVERY!) in trials
and observational studies’ [1].
We appreciate the authors' efforts in this field, which allow us to
examine the issue from a more comprehensive perspective. At the same
time, the authors have analyzed certain variables, providing further
reference for research in this domain. However, based on the study's
design and findings, we believe that some critical issues still require
further discussion.
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