Use the labels in the right column to find what you want. Or you can go thru them one by one, there are only 29,884 posts. Searching is done in the search box in upper left corner. I blog on anything to do with stroke. DO NOT DO ANYTHING SUGGESTED HERE AS I AM NOT MEDICALLY TRAINED, YOUR DOCTOR IS, LISTEN TO THEM. BUT I BET THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO GET YOU 100% RECOVERED. I DON'T EITHER BUT HAVE PLENTY OF QUESTIONS FOR YOUR DOCTOR TO ANSWER.
What this blog is for:
My blog is not to help survivors recover, it is to have the 10 million yearly stroke survivors light fires underneath their doctors, stroke hospitals and stroke researchers to get stroke solved. 100% recovery. The stroke medical world is completely failing at that goal, they don't even have it as a goal. Shortly after getting out of the hospital and getting NO information on the process or protocols of stroke rehabilitation and recovery I started searching on the internet and found that no other survivor received useful information. This is an attempt to cover all stroke rehabilitation information that should be readily available to survivors so they can talk with informed knowledge to their medical staff. It lays out what needs to be done to get stroke survivors closer to 100% recovery. It's quite disgusting that this information is not available from every stroke association and doctors group.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Longitudinal follow-up of patients with traumatic brain injury: Outcome at 2, 5, and 10-years post-injury
Our stroke associations should have been doing this for the past 20 years.
Abstract Introduction: The deleterious consequences of traumatic brain injury (TBI) impair capacity to return to many avenues of premorbid life. However, there has been limited longitudinal research examining outcome beyond five years post-injury. The aim of this study was to examine aspects of function, previously shown to be affected following TBI, over a span of 10 years. Materials and Methods: One hundred and forty one patients with TBI were assessed at two, five, and 10 years post-injury using the Structured Outcome Questionnaire. Results: Fatigue and balance problems were the most common neurological symptoms, with reported rates decreasing only slightly over the 10-year period. Mobility outcomes were good in over 75 percent, with few participants requiring aids for mobility. Changes in cognitive, communication, behavioral and emotional functions were reported by approximately 60% of the sample at all time-points. Levels of independence in activities of daily living were high over the 10-year period, and up to 70 percent return to driving. Nevertheless, approximately 40% required more support than before their injury. Only half of the sample returned to previous leisure activities and less than half were employed at each assessment time post-injury. Whilst marital status remained surprisingly stable over time, approximately 30% reported difficulties in personal relationships. Older age at injury did not substantially alter the pattern of changes over time, except in employment. Conclusions: Overall, problems that were evident at 2 years post-injury persisted until 10 years post-injury. The importance of these findings is discussed with reference to rehabilitation programs. Keywords: traumatic brain injury, functional outcome, structured outcome questionnaire
A Decade of Reversal: An Analysis of 146 Contradicted Medical Practices
Our stroke associations should be doing this analysis if they were any good.
One of the reversals here from Table 2.
Mild intraoperative hypothermia during surgery for intracranial aneurysm (Todd et al,60 2005)Hypothermia was found to be helpful as a neurosurgical adjunct in 1955, especially for ischemic and traumatic insults.
At the time of this publication, the practice was used in nearly 50% of aneurysm surgeries.61 This large randomized study, the Intraoperative Hypothermia for Aneurysm Surgery Trial (IHAST), found no improvement in neurologic outcomes with hypothermia, while noting an increase in bacterial infections with the intervention .
This probably means we need more studies before we setup all ambulances with hypothermia tools.
I guess I'll quit pushing them.
Do you really think the reversals and inconclusive results are read and understood by all your stroke doctors? I think not.
To identify medical practices that offer no net benefits.Methods
We reviewed all original articles published in 10 years (2001-2010) in one high-impact journal. Articles were classified on the basis of whether they addressed a medical practice, whether they tested a new or existing therapy, and whether results were positive or negative. Articles were then classified as 1 of 4 types: replacement, when a new practice surpasses standard of care; back to the drawing board, when a new practice is no better than current practice; reaffirmation, when an existing practice is found to be better than a lesser standard; and reversal, when an existing practice is found to be no better than a lesser therapy. This study was conducted from August 1, 2011, through October 31, 2012.Results
We reviewed 2044 original articles, 1344 of which concerned a medical practice. Of these, 981 articles (73.0%) examined a new medical practice, whereas 363 (27.0%) tested an established practice. A total of 947 studies (70.5%) had positive findings, whereas 397 (29.5%) reached a negative conclusion. A total of 756 articles addressing a medical practice constituted replacement, 165 were back to the drawing board, 146 were medical reversals, 138 were reaffirmations, and 139 were inconclusive. Of the 363 articles testing standard of care, 146 (40.2%) reversed that practice, whereas 138 (38.0%) reaffirmed it.Conclusion
The reversal of established medical practice is common and occurs across all classes of medical practice. This investigation sheds light on low-value practices and patterns of medical research.Neuroplasticity for Dummies
I'll ask what should be a simple question. Or at least something I would think researchers should focus on before they prove once again that neuroplasticity works. How exactly does a neuron recruit a next door neuron to help with a task? Does it send out a cry/signal for help? Or are good samaritans running around looking for distressed neurons to help? This answer could also possibly explain why new neurons migrate to the damaged area. If we knew the answer to this the recovery of penumbra and bleed damage areas might be able to be repeatable. Heck we could send magnetic nanoparticles with the appropriate drugs to the damaged areas. If we can find the Higgs boson we can find how neurons call for help.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Tackling Cardiovascular Health Risks in College Football Players
The MedPage writeup here;
College Football Linked to High Blood Pressure
The full article here;
Colour of sound: Man develops rare brain condition synesthesia after stroke
'Every stroke is different, every stroke recovery is different'. If your doctor says that to you, FIRE THEM, they are not following research and obviously are totally out-of-date. But I'm not worth listening to because I have no medical training.
A man being treated at a Toronto hospital is believed to be only the second person in the world known to have developed a rare neurological condition called synesthesia after suffering brain damage.
Nine months after having a stroke, the anonymous patient began experiencing symptoms of synesthesia, in which certain colours evoked specific feelings. Foods were also associated with various colours.
High-pitched brass instruments like those in the theme from James Bond movies elicited euphoria and caused light blue flashes in his peripheral vision.
Neurologist Dr. Tom Schweizer of St. Michael’s Hospital says it appears that when the man’s brain tried to repair the stroke damage, the “wiring” went awry and produced synesthesia.
Most synesthetes are born with the condition and include singer-songwriter Billy Joel, composer Franz Liszt and author Vladimir Nabakov.
Functional MRI tests showed that many different areas of the man’s brain were activated while listening to the James Bond theme compared with healthy control subjects.
“The areas of the brain that lit up when he heard the James Bond theme are completely different from the areas we would expect to see light up when people listen to music,” says Schweizer. “Huge areas on both sides of the brain were activated that were not activated when he listened to other music or other auditory stimuli and were not activated in the control group.”
The case is reported in the journal Neurology.
Loneliness Promotes Inflammation During Acute Stress
Brain-wide gain modulation: the rich get richer
Read the full article
The joy of sex: new guidelines for heart attack and stroke victims
Ischaemic stroke provoked by sexual intercourse
The association between long term risk factors and stroke has been well established, but very little is known about factors that may precipitate acute stroke. We describe two young women presenting with ischaemic stroke triggered by sexual intercourse. Patient 1 presented with a cardioembolic stroke probably secondary to the interaction between a patent foramen ovale and thrombophilic abnormalities; Patient 2, presenting with orgasmic headache, had a cryptogenic striatocapsular infarct. Sexual intercourse should be considered as an unusual, but possible, trigger of cerebral ischaemia, especially in young patients presenting with cryptogenic stroke.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Classification of falls in stroke rehabilitation – not all falls are the same
Allen Daniel Hicks Dead: Stroke Death Of Inmate Sparks State Investigation - Tampa, Fl
The stupidity is large out there and I don't see it changing until we get the medical stroke personnel out of the stroke improvement business.
Cardio Notes: Niacin and Stroke Risk
But see what your doctor thinks.
The feasibility of computer-based prism adaptation to ameliorate neglect in sub-acute stroke patients admitted to a rehabilitation center
Will A Few Cups Of Coffee A Day Keep The Blues Away?
A couple of paragraphs to whet your appetite for more. You would get a two-fer, need to urinate more often causing you to walk more from your hospital bed to the bathroom. I don't remember any way to get extra coffee outside of meals while in the hospital, unless I had someone go downstairs to the little store on the main floor.
Will A Few Cups Of Coffee A Day Keep The Blues Away?
Following the research on the health effects of caffeine is dizzying.
Positive in some cases, negative in others – it’s hard to know whether
that morning cup of joe is a health elixir or slow-acting poison.
In the latest major study on caffeine’s effects, researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health found a correlation between drinking 2-4 cups of caffeinated coffee each day and lower suicide risk among adults.
The analysis showed that the risk of suicide among adults drinking 2-4 cups of coffee (the equivalent of about 400 mg of caffeine) a day was 50% less than the risk for adults who drank decaffeinated coffee or one cup or less of caffeinated coffee. Drinking more than 4 cups of coffee didn’t drop the suicide risk lower.
Having said that, the neurochemistry behind the finding makes sense. As discussed in a previous article, caffeine acts as an expert mimic of a chemical called adenosine in the brain and other parts of the body. Adenosine is a sort of checks-and-balances chemical produced by neurons as they fire throughout the day; the more adenosine is produced, the more the nervous system ratchets down activity, until we eventually fall asleep and reboot the process.
Seen this way, coffee may act as a mild antidepressant — at least to an extent. Previous research has found similar correlations reinforcing the possibility that coffee–the most frequently ingested psychoactive substance in the world–can help alleviate depression.
All of this research, however, should be taken with an enormous caveat that the findings are anything but conclusive. And given the drawbacks of cohort studies, it’s possible that the latest study results are a “mirage” that wouldn’t hold true outside of this particular correlative fishbowl.
Full article at link.
Statins protective against Parkinson's: More evidence
Further evidence that statin use is associated with a reduction in risk of Parkinson's disease has come from a population study conducted in Taiwan [1].
Improve Movement by Training Movement – Not Specific Muscles
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Detrimental effect of blood pressure reduction in the first 24 hours of acute stroke onset
Detrimental effect of blood pressure reduction in the first 24 hours of acute stroke onset
Early Intensive Blood-Pressure Lowering Improves Recovery in Patients With Acute Intracerebral Haemorrhage
The damage to your brain will be the result if they get it wrong.
Effect of Folate and Mecobalamin on Hip Fractures in Patients With Stroke
Objective To investigate whether treatment with folate and vitamin B12 reduces the incidence of hip fractures in patients with hemiplegia following stroke.
Design, Setting, and Patients A double-blind, randomized controlled study of 628 consecutive patients aged 65 years or older with residual hemiplegia at least 1 year following first ischemic stroke, who were recruited from a single Japanese hospital from April 1, 2000, to May 31, 2001. Patients were assigned to daily oral treatment with 5 mg of folate and 1500 μg of mecobalamin, or double placebo; 559 completed the 2-year follow-up.
Main Outcome Measure Incidence of hip fractures in the 2 patient groups during the 2-year follow-up.
Results At baseline, patients in both groups had high levels of plasma homocysteine and low levels of serum cobalamin and serum folate. After 2 years, plasma homocysteine levels decreased by 38% in the treatment group and increased by 31% in the placebo group (P<.001). The number of hip fractures per 1000 patient-years was 10 and 43 for the treatment and placebo groups, respectively (P<.001). The adjusted relative risk, absolute risk reduction, and the number needed to treat for hip fractures in the treatment vs placebo groups were 0.20 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.08-0.50), 7.1% (95% CI, 3.6%-10.8%), and 14 (95% CI, 9-28), respectively. No significant adverse effects were reported.
Conclusion In this Japanese population with a high baseline fracture risk, combined treatment with folate and vitamin B12 is safe and effective in reducing the risk of a hip fracture in elderly patients following stroke.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Can Alzheimer Disease Be Prevented?
Keep Working to Keep Dementia at Bay?
Retirement may not be good for your brain, according to a new study from France, which links older age at retirement to a reduced risk of developing dementia.
Mounting evidence suggests that engaging in intellectually stimulating activity throughout life may protect against the development of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. Professional activity may be an important determinant of mental activity.
Yet "very few studies have looked at retirement and dementia risk," said study leader Carole Dufouil, PhD, director of research in neuroepidemiology at INSERM at the Bordeaux School of Public Health in France.
These new findings underscore the "importance of maintaining high levels of cognitive and social stimulation throughout work and retiree life," Dr. Dufouil said.
Use It or Lose It
In this study, her team linked health and pension databases for 429,803 self-employed workers in France who were living and retired as of December 31, 2010. A total of 11,397 of the retirees had dementia (2.65%).
Overall, in multivariable analyses, for each extra year of age at retirement, the risk for dementia was 3.2% lower (hazard ratio, 0.968; 95% confidence interval, 0.962 - 0.973), Dr. Dufouil reported at a media briefing here July 15 at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC) 2013.
"In this sample, all other risk factors being equal, those who retired at 65 years old had a 14.6% lower risk of getting dementia than those who retired at 60 years old," she said.
Even after exclusion of workers with dementia diagnosed within 5 years after retirement, the results remained unchanged and highly significant (P< .0001). The results also held up in further analyses stratified by age categories or year of dementia diagnosis.
"This study provides more evidence to support the 'use it or lose it' mantra; keep your brain active as long as possible to increase your changes of a healthy aging brain," Maria Carrillo, PhD, vice president of medical and scientific relations at the Alzheimer's Association, said in an interview with Medscape Medical News.
"We have evidence from both epidemiology and some very nice evidence from the imaging world that shows that there are logical relationships between burden of disease and susceptibility to cognitive impairment that is a function of cognitive reserve. Clearly, cognitive activity throughout life does have an influence on your risk [of cognitive decline] later on," he said.
Prevalence of Dementia May Be Falling
Dementia prevalence in older people may be dropping. A new study that compared estimated dementia rates across 3 geographic areas in the United Kingdom (UK) in 12 groups 20 years apart shows that the actual prevalence of dementia was 24% lower than expected in the later group.
The results indicate that the older population may be getting healthier, said author Carol Brayne, MD, professor, public health medicine, University of Cambridge, UK, told Medscape Medical News. "It does suggest that all the preventive actions that are going on in midlife and early life are very important. It reinforces the message that having a healthy and active lifestyle is not only good for the heart, but is probably good for the brain, too."
The study was published online July 16 in The Lancet. Some of the data were also presented in Boston at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC) 2013 by Fiona Matthews, Medical Research Council Biostatistics Unit, University Fourvie Site, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Phase Integration
The analysis included the UK Cognitive Function and Ageing Study (CFAS) I, which estimated dementia prevalence in a sample of the population aged 65 and older in Cambridgeshire, Newcastle, and Nottingham, where interviews were conducted from 1990 to 1993. Researchers compared data from this study to those from CFAS II, which involved interviews with participants of the same age and in the same geographic areas but 20 years later, from 2008 to 2011.
The designs of CFAS I and CFAS II were identical, and for both, trained interviewers visited residences up to 3 times. In CFAS I, 7635 residents were interviewed; in CFAS II, 7796 were interviewed.
However, the CFAS I was a 2-stage study whereas CFAS was 1-stage. The CFAS I baseline interview included questions about sociodemographic characteristics, health, day-to-day function, social contacts, cognitive function, and medication. A random sample of 20% of those who had a baseline interview — stratified to represent the entire cognitive spectrum — was invited for assessment with the geriatric mental state (GMS) examination, a standardized interview designed to identify dementia and other psychiatric disorders in older people.
Rather than clinical classifications, assessments on both occasions used the same algorithmic approach to diagnoses, to provide consistency and reasonable validity across areas and time, she said.
The study found a substantial decrease in prevalence of dementia (odds ratio [OR] in CFAS II vs CFAS I: 0.7 [95% confidence interval], 0.6 - 0.9]; P=.003, adjusted in part for age, sex, and area). Women had a consistently higher dementia prevalence than men.
The overall decrease was driven by noncare settings and was not apparent within care settings where the prevalence increased (OR, 1.7). In CFAS I, the number of people with dementia in care setting represented 34% of all dementia cases; in CFAS II, the proportion of the population with dementia living in care was 29%.
The growing percentage of dementia cases living in the community might call for health policy changes to address a growing need for support, and for primary care physicians to be sensitive to their needs, said Dr. Brayne.
Using prevalence estimates from CFAS I in 1991, 664,000 individuals in the United Kingdom were expected to have dementia at that time. Taking into account the effects of population aging, this number would now be expected to be 884,000, but CFAS II puts the number in 2011 at 670,000, or a reduction of 24%.
The researchers found only slight, nonsignificant geographic variation in both CFAS I and CFAS II, but there were strong deprivation effects. A deprivation index uses census data on unemployment, car ownership, home ownership, and household overcrowding for a particular locality.
"If you look at the map of the projections, taking deprivation into account and using the age-sex profile of each of the areas, you do get quite varying prevalence expected in each of the areas across England," said Dr. Brayne.
Highest Areas
The dementia prevalence seems to be highest in areas with older age profiles as well as a high rate of deprivation, she added. "There are areas where the estimates go right up, particularly for men; in some areas, men's estimates get to be towards that for women."
Although the study didn't look at the causes of the decline in dementia, Dr. Brayne speculated that it reflects the benefits of primary prevention — managing hypertension, smoking cessation, better diet, and other lifestyle changes — that have also resulted in a dramatic drop in mortality from stroke and heart disease. Higher education levels, too, may have provided a protective effect, she added.
"All these things caused a 'cohort' effect, so in this cohort coming through now, the good things seem to be outweighing the bad things," which include more diabetes and cognitive side effects of stroke survival.
Policy changes over the 20 years between studies, which made it more difficult to access data, and a lower response rate for the second CFAS (56% compared with 80% in the earlier study) that may reflect a reluctance of family members to allow their loved ones to be interviewed, created some barriers for CFAS II, said Dr. Brayne.
"We will be doing formal analyses of nonresponses because we think it's a very important societal change. With some studies back in the 1980s, there was a 95% response rate."
In a statement from The Lancet, Editor-in-Chief Richard Horton said, "A reduction in prevalence of dementia in the older population is an important and welcome finding. But it is not a signal for the government to deprioritise investment in dementia care and research. Dementia remains a substantial challenge for those affected, their families, the NHS, and the Treasury.
"We need to understand better why the prevalence of dementia has fallen, and what that means for prevention and treatment services," Dr. Horton adds. "Sadly, dementia care and research are too often neglected and underfunded in the UK."
Commenting in an accompanying editorial, Sube Banerjee, MD, professor, mental health and ageing, King’s College, London, United Kingdom, said the study findings are "unequivocally good news."
He agreed that the study seems to support the idea that changes in health behavior have prevented or delayed the onset of dementia at a population level. "The next questions must be: how much further can we go in pursuit of this preventive agenda? How many more cases can be prevented? What do we need to do to have the greatest effect? These questions need empirical investigation followed by purposeful strategy formulation and implementation."
The notion that lifestyle changes, for example in diet, exercise, and smoking habits, might reduce the risk for dementia and promote more general health and well-being should be incorporated into health promotion messaging, said Dr. Banerjee.
But although it's a message of empowerment, it comes with a warning, he added. If positive changes in health behavior can decrease the prevalence of dementia, then negative lifestyle choices might promote, rather than prevent, dementia. "It is plausible that the present epidemic of morbid obesity, with consequent cardiovascular disorders, stroke, and diabetes, might act to increase the proportion of people with dementia in future cohorts."
The new data do not mean that dementia should be any less of a priority. Dementia remains "very common, very expensive, and profoundly negative" in its effects on patients and their families, said Dr. Banerjee. "Even with a small decrease in incidence and prevalence, population aging will still double the numbers with dementia worldwide in the next generation."
Numbers Still Up
Weighing in on the possible implications of these lowered dementia estimates, Mathew Baumgart, senior director of public policy, Alzheimer's Association, said that just because dementia estimates fall short of projections doesn't mean that the numbers aren't going up.
"Notwithstanding all the details and minutiae of this study, I think it confirms that we have a growing problem," he said. "The current prevalence estimate in this UK study is lower than what the projection would have been 20 years ago had they made a projection 20 years ago, but the actual prevalence is higher and therefore the stress and burden on the health care system and society are still greater."
According to the Alzheimer's Association, 5 million Americans aged 65 and over currently live with Alzheimer's disease, and that number will increase to 13.8 million by the year 2050.
Although the UK study adjusted only for age and gender, the models used to develop the U.S. projections also take into account other factors, such as the changing racial and ethnic composition of the population, mortality rates, and educational attainment, said Baumgart.
But he doesn't see any discrepancy between the two. "The issue is how do you measure what happens in the future and what are the factors that go into what's going to happen in a projection in the future, and both of these models are showing higher numbers."
In a statement, the Alzheimer's Association reiterates this point. While many older and middle aged people are now undertaking potentially brain-healthy but unproven steps, such as increased access to healthcare and increased physical and mental activity, whether that is actually affecting how many get dementia, "we simply do not know yet."
"However, even if the percentage of new cases in the population is going down (and we don't know for certain that it is) because the older population is growing at such a fast rate, dementia prevalence - that is, the total number of people with the disease - is continuing to rise. In other words, it is likely that prevalence is not going down but it could be increasing at a slightly slower pace," the statement notes.
This particular study used different methods from those in current prevalence studies in the United States, and it is not expected to have implications for dementia prevalence estimates in the United States, the statement adds.
Brain stimulation helps stroke recovery
A couple of paragraphs, rest at link.
Early treatment with magnets could help stroke sufferers recover their ability to speak, according to a new study.
Binge Drinking and Hypertension on Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in Korean Men and Women
Role of Mercury Toxicity in Hypertension, Cardiovascular Disease, and Stroke
Friday, July 26, 2013
Is It Bell's Palsy or a Stroke? Emergency Physicians Have the Answer
From ScienceDaily
Emergency physicians correctly identified nearly 100 percent of patients with Bell's palsy, the symptoms of which are nearly identical to potentially life-threatening diseases such as stroke and brain tumors. The results of a study of 6 years of California patient records were published online yesterday in Annals of Emergency Medicine.
Researchers analyzed 43,979 records for patients discharged from California emergency departments with a diagnosis of Bell's palsy. At 90-day follow up, 0.8 percent of those patients received an alternate diagnosis, such as stroke, brain bleed, brain tumor, central nervous system infection, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Lyme disease, ear infection or herpes zoster. When restricted to only life-threatening alternative diagnoses associated with central facial paralysis, only 0.3 percent were misdiagnosed.
Patients with Bell's palsy commonly manifest partial or complete weakness of the muscles of half of the face, resulting in an inability to raise one eyebrow, wrinkle their foreheads or close one eyelid. Symptoms often progress fairly rapidly and strongly mimic the symptoms of certain types of stroke. It affects approximately 15 people out of 100,000 every year.
Neuroscience Findings on Coordination of Reaching to Grasp an Object
The EXCITE Trial Reacquiring Upper-Extremity Task Performance With Early Versus Late Delivery of Constraint Therapy
Transfer of Training Between Distinct Motor Tasks After Stroke
I am already assuming that this will work because there are lots of task-specific things I can't do.
Transfer of Training Between Distinct Motor Tasks After Stroke
Although task-specific training is emerging as a viable approach for recovering motor function after stroke, there is little evidence for whether the effects of such training transfer to other functional motor tasks not directly practiced in therapy.
The purpose of the current study was to test whether training on one motor task in individuals with chronic hemiparesis poststroke would transfer to untrained tasks that were either spatiotemporally similar or different.
In all, 11 participants with chronic mild to moderate hemiparesis following stroke completed 5 days of supervised massed practice of a feeding task with their affected side. Performance on the feeding task, along with 2 other untrained functional upper-extremity motor tasks (sorting, dressing) was assessed before and after training.
Performance of all 3 tasks improved significantly after training exclusively on 1 motor task. The amount of improvement in the untrained tasks was comparable and was not dependent on the degree of similarity to the trained task.
Because the number and type of tasks that can be practiced are often limited within standard stroke rehabilitation, results from this study will be useful for designing task-specific training plans to maximize therapy benefits.
Effect of Anodal Versus Cathodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Stroke Rehabilitation
Your doctor will know the difference between anodal and cathodal. Neither definition explained a damn thing. For you Dave, you'll have to ask for the real study.
Effect of Anodal Versus Cathodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Stroke Rehabilitation
Effect of a Foot-Drop Stimulator and Ankle–Foot Orthosis on Walking Performance After Stroke
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Compression Therapy Reduces Blood Clots in Stroke Patients, Study Finds
New research shows that inexpensive leg compression devices help prevent fatal blood clots in stroke patients.
The thigh-length sleeves promote blood flow by periodically filling with air and gently squeezing the legs. Vascular PRN, based in Tampa, Fla., is a leading national distributor of intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) therapy equipment. Greg Grambor, the company's president, commented on the study.
“Compression therapy has been around for over 20 years,” Grambor said. “Many doctors have already come to rely on this equipment for safe, effective, and affordable prevention of deep vein thrombosis. I'm glad this new research was done, and I hope it will help convince more doctors to give it a try.”
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is the formation of a blood clot inside a vein deep within the body. It is common in stroke patients and immobile patients and can also occur in healthy people on long flights where movement is restricted. When a clot detaches, it can then become lodged in the arteries of the lungs, causing a potentially life-threatening pulmonary embolism.
The study involved nearly 3,000 stroke patients at over 100 hospitals across the United Kingdom. Results showed 8.5 percent of patients treated with compression devices developed blood clots, versus 12.1 percent of patients who received alternative treatments.
“Many patients at risk of DVT are prescribed blood thinning drugs,” Grambor added. “But these drugs increase the risk of bleeding, which is quite dangerous for stroke patients as it may lead to bleeding in the brain.”
So far, no study has conclusively shown that blood thinners increase the survival rate of stroke patients. Doctors at the European Stroke Conference, held in London on May 31, 2013, discussed the study's findings. Professor Martin Dennis of the University of Edinburgh said that the UK's guidelines for treatment of stroke should be revised to recommend IPC treatment for all patients at high risk of DVT. Currently, they only recommend it in cases where blood thinners are unsuccessful or too risky.
Each year, some 15 million people worldwide suffer a stroke. One third of strokes are fatal and another third result in permanent disability.
How 3D Printers May Put People at Risk for a Stroke
I don't know how they got to this alarmist heading from the abstract.
Alarmist here;
Three-dimensional printers emit nanoparticles that could be hazardous to a person's health, a study published in the journal Atmospheric Environment reports.
Though used in commercial manufacturing for decades, small-scale 3D printers were only recently introduced for home and office use, leading to a whirlwind of inventions and products including everything from guns to sex toys.
Based on this increased popularity, researchers at the Illinois Institute of Technology decided to conduct an examination of the ultrafine particles (UFP) released by the machine, reporting that inhaling high amounts of UFPs have been linked to asthma, cardiorespiratory illnesses and even strokes. To do this, they placed nine 3D printers in a room where they printed small, plastic frogs over various time periods. They then measured the concentration of UFPs and used this number to estimate the UFP emission rates from a single printer.
In the end, the team came to the conclusion that the range included 20 billion particles per minute from printers using a lower temperature polyactic acid (PLA) feedstock, or printer fuel, to roughly 200 billion particles per minute for those using the higher temperature acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) feedstock.
These rates, the scientists point out, mean 3D printers fall into the category of "high emitters" based on criteria laid out in a 2007 study analyzing office printers, according to Medical News Today. Furthermore, they note that differences in emission rates the PLA and ABS printers may also be compounded with differences in levels of toxicity due to their differing feedstocks.
Either way, the researchers argue that those using the devices should do so with a degree of wariness.
"Because most of these devices are currently sold as standalone devices without any exhaust ventilation or filtration accessories, results herein suggest caution should be used when operating in inadequately ventilated or unfiltered indoor environments," they write.
Far from serving as the last word, the study instead lays the ground work for future examinations, the scientists add, calling in their study for more experiments "to more fundamentally evaluate particle emissions from a wider arrange of desktop 3D printers."
The abstract here;
1 in 7 strokes happen when asleep
Taste 100 Local Beers and Support Stroke Awareness at Weedstrong Brewfest on August 18th at Quassy Amusement Park
If they had a coffee beer like I made once it could be even better.
The Connecticut Brewers Guild is pleased to announce Weedstrong Brewfest at Quassy Amusement Park in Middlebury on Sunday August 18th from 2 to 6 p.m. to help raise stroke awareness and support for Mike Weed, a father
For an advanced ticket price of just $40, the Weedstrong Brewfest event will feature a beer tasting with more than 100 varieties of craft beer, live local music, free parking and an all-day Quassy Ride and Splash Away Bay Water Park pass from 11 to 8 p.m. Children’s all-day Ride and Splash Away Bay passes are available at a reduced price of just $15 with the advance purchase of an adult Brewfest ticket. The event will be held rain or shine, and park pass vouchers will be provided if the park closes due to inclement weather. $25 from each Brewfest ticket will benefit Mike and his family
With someone somewhere experiencing a stroke every 40 seconds, it is very important to Mike and his wife Heidi to educate others about stroke symptoms. Please visit for more information including a stroke awareness video created by family and friends
About a year before his stroke, Mike introduced the Weed Amber Ale recipe to Connecticut. While Weed Beer is growing in popularity, it is not yet helping to pay the bills and growing medical expenses as Mike fights hard on his “Weedstrong” rehabilitation journey. That’s where friends and supporters of fundraising events like the Weedstrong Brewfest are coming together to help
Supporters can also help out by purchasing Weed Beer as any profits will benefit
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Is anyone listening for stroke?
Having published almost 4000 blog entries on stroke, considering the number of views I've had, and my naming leaders of stroke groups. I'm amazed that I have not been contacted by any stroke group, medical stroke doctor or stroke researcher. But then I'm a stupid non-medical stroke survivor not worth listening to. I'm terribly stroke-addled to the normals.
Do they all really think they are doing the best job they can?
They're not, they are all failing by any study of results.
I guarantee that after they have a stroke and find out the reality of lack of results they might have the 'come to Jesus moment'. Do you want to wait that long? Or be proactive and demand results now.
This was written because I saw the book Magnificent Mistakes in Mathematics / by Alfred S. Posamentier and Ingmar Lehmann.
Time is Brain, you know. F.A.S.T. How many neurons will they let die because of inaction?