Changing stroke rehab and research worldwide now.Time is Brain! trillions and trillions of neurons that DIE each day because there are NO effective hyperacute therapies besides tPA(only 12% effective). I have 523 posts on hyperacute therapy, enough for researchers to spend decades proving them out. These are my personal ideas and blog on stroke rehabilitation and stroke research. Do not attempt any of these without checking with your medical provider. Unless you join me in agitating, when you need these therapies they won't be there.

What this blog is for:

My blog is not to help survivors recover, it is to have the 10 million yearly stroke survivors light fires underneath their doctors, stroke hospitals and stroke researchers to get stroke solved. 100% recovery. The stroke medical world is completely failing at that goal, they don't even have it as a goal. Shortly after getting out of the hospital and getting NO information on the process or protocols of stroke rehabilitation and recovery I started searching on the internet and found that no other survivor received useful information. This is an attempt to cover all stroke rehabilitation information that should be readily available to survivors so they can talk with informed knowledge to their medical staff. It lays out what needs to be done to get stroke survivors closer to 100% recovery. It's quite disgusting that this information is not available from every stroke association and doctors group.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Association of midlife diet with subsequent risk for dementia

Well shit, you are not looking carefully enough then.  I found these in 5 minutes.

Coffee May Lower Your Risk of Dementia Feb. 2013 

Relative intake of macronutrients impacts risk of mild cognitive impairment or dementia  Dec. 2018 

Champagne Protects the Brain From Dementia  Feb. 2019 

“Bugs” in the gut might predict dementia in the brain Feb. 2019



Association of midlife diet with subsequent risk for dementia

JAMAAkbaraly TN, et al. | March 14, 2019
In this prospective cohort study involving 8,225 participants without dementia, researchers ascertained if midlife (mean age: 50 years) diet is correlated with subsequent dementia risk. According to findings, the quality of the diet evaluated during midlife was not significantly related to subsequent dementia risk.


  • This was a population-based cohort study established in 1985-1988 in which researchers assessed dietary intake in 1991-1993, 1997-1999, and 2002-2004, and followed-up for incident dementia until March 31, 2017.
  • Diet quality during midlife was assessed using the Alternate Healthy Eating Index (AHEI; diet quality score (score range, 0-110), with higher scores indicating a healthier diet.
  • The main outcome assessed was incident dementia, which was determined by electronic health records linkage.

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